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Old 01-02-07, 08:19 PM   #5
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Logic/Socrates
I don't know really, 98% of the time I believe in heaven and hell and God and Satan but sometimes I think like "What if we were just part of the life cycle?" and it makes me all fucking tense. I feel like there's no way we could all just be fucking organisms living on a rock that's just going to end up dying and that's all. I feel like there's more to what we live for, but WHAT IF it isn't?

Even trying to fathom death as just the end makes me want to make more of my life than thinking of death as the start of the afterlife. I mean, if when I die I'm just going to be gone, no feelings, absolutely nothing, why would I waste my life on dumb shit? Why wouldn't I spend my life in the desperate attempt to be remembered far after I left the world? But if I think of life as just part before the afterlife, it seems so inconsequential to try and be important and do spectacular things while I'm here, feel me?

I dunno, just simple little thoughts of a simple little creature. =/

Why would you spend your life trying to be remembered, if that was the case? Its not bad at all to completely dissapear from existence. Imagine if you went to sleep one night, and never woke up. It would just be nothing. You wouldnt care, you wouldnt be sad, you wouldn't be in pain. What's the big deal?

I'll give you a tip... Heaven and Hell are not actual places or dimensions or whatever where you go after your physical death.
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