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Old 01-02-07, 10:51 PM   #22
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599


Nigga please, why try, you know that im kickin dweebs
But i cant say you suck. . . cuz then i`d be dissin feebs
this punch was okay, I know it was based on the quote. The only thing is, this style is kinda played as I've seen lines very similar to this based off biting someone else. If ur going to use this type of punch, the only thing u can do to make it more original is replace the "I can't say you suck" with something more creative..think of other cliches or ways to use wordplay in this situation
You sickin` me, even your fuckin` cars are worse, kid
So i`ll bash lack . . .without needin` to call for insurance
this concept is cool, the problem is it doesn't really work. It's AFLAC, not BASHLACK or ASHLACK.. so because of that, this doesn't quite work. Basically, think of it this way.. if u have to change the way something is pronounced for a punch to work, I'd avoid it.
And im lying, your shows stay bumpin` until there done
Cuz black doesn`t silence crowds
. . .I heard Z`s outta everyone
Z's concepts are a bit played as well. This is a different way of saying it, but your still saying the same thing about catching Z's which is played. With this kind of punch, if ur going to use the whole "doesn't silence crowds" thing, thats fine, just think of a more original way to finish it. Even something like "Black doesn't silence crowds... u can always hear the sound of feet running away" or something more original than Z's.. just basically saying with each concept think it through more
Faggots done, i waited awhile, parents wouldnt loan time
But I Didnt Care. . .
Cuz i doubted he`d come fresh, Or even write his own lines
There's no wit at all in this line. It's a diss, but really as simple one as you can get. If it doesn't have wit, just forget about it
So when i show mine, he`ll get mad and hate, so Kid pray
Before i pitch black. . . . . . . . . .in a ditch during mid day
pitch black idea was cool man. This was okay, but u kinda took the obvious route. Maybe if you'd made this into a pitch/baseball type punch this would have been better

Basically man, the way you start your concepts is fine, you just gotta be more witty with the execution of them and instead of goin' for the obvious route, bein' more creative.
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