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Old 01-03-07, 05:43 PM   #9
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

How about this, you go around asking all the doctors and psychologists you can pull out of your ass if they have the same capabilities as humans, because I'm not one so I can't prove it to you. Shit, even if I did prove it to you, you'd find some other off the wall reason why I'm wrong, why don't you prove something to yourself? Man, I'd love to see you spend the rest of your life trying to have a conversation like this with a fucking turtle.

Here I was thinking you are smart. A baby takes forever to learn how to do anything besides scream and suck tits. Why would I spend the rest of my life having a conversation with a turtle? I don't speak turtle, if they even make noises. If anything, you should be the one doing so, since you're questioning what I said in the first place. And last time I checked, doctors don't speak turtle either. And the only reason humans know anything is because they are told about it. Eventually we'd figure it out by ourselves, but so can cats and dogs and turtles. Cat can't get onto the stove? It'll jump onto a chair then jump onto the stove.

And I'm pretty sure the doctors I pull out of my ass would have more or less my same opinion, seeing as how they came out of me.
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