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Old 01-03-07, 11:32 PM   #13
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali

Originally Posted by Lexi-Kon
- sighs. -

A baby cries so it can be heard. So do animals, though in different ways at times, such as whining. All animals show their emotions. Past this we come to emotions such as envy for toys we cannot have, and animals do the same. We have pride --- prideful animals and prideful humans. Sadness when a loved one dies comes from both humans and animals. Do not murder --- that will lessen the pack. Animals want to look their best so they can mate and share their strong genes, and females want to look good because they're hoes who want to rip off their jeans. Animals have lust --- monkeys fuck each other for fun, you see dogs mounting dogs and bulls mounting bulls and cows mounting cows and everything in the animal kingdom getting their jig on. Animals will have paranoia when there is a hunter around or anything that means them harm.

Keep telling yourself you're nothing but an animal, dumbshit. The lion thinks itself the king, and so do all manners of seemingly insignificant beasts. Who the fuck are you to say a wolf's howl is not a sharing of mathematical theories or theological musings? Suddenly you become some master of all animal emotions?

Refer to what Terumoto said.

Originally Posted by Terumoto
Yeah, but you wouldn't have any of those feelings. -_-

I know, but that's what I'm saying. It's fucking retarded for me to be scared of what is essentially nothing, and yet somehow I am.

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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