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Old 01-04-07, 02:27 AM   #15
Light Weight
Posts: 225

Never dissed a pic before... but i'll give it a shot.

you never kissed the bitch, on the wack hustle
cause if you were on that curl, then you'd have muscle
she's looking out of it, soon to be in the trash, dead
and with your cheekbones that high 'sno wonder she's a crackhead
don't fight slut.. plus you're looking kind'a sloppy
with your forehead showing more skin than her entire body
that bitch is skinny as fuck, there's nothing to her clout
you'll lose at the drop of a pin, which is me punching your girl out
lol @ your shirt showing ya man-boobs, that's truth, don't lie
around RV you're known as a monster... and now i know why
chick's about to dump your ass, too bad the show's over
that thing you be leaning on will turn into a cold shoulder
she's a sore sight on ya vision, when i'm blaring is fact
so ya eyebrows are forming a defensive circle preparing for attack

fuck. last time i'm ever trying this shit
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