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Old 01-06-07, 11:52 AM   #2
Posts: 7

WAIT - I GOT IT!!!! Don't know if this is enough proof...

But the dude said:
"If I was a girl, I’d be a "Dee" or a "Diana", it isn’t really insulting/
And if you were a girl, either way you’d STILL be "a Pauline"/ "

Lets see here...
(a) why would "I" be called "Dee" or "Diana"? Shirley the author of this wordplay is too clever to pick a random bitches name and call himself it...?
(b) oh wait, I remember, because I am namix (originally Dynamix, aka D, aka Dyna)... The girl names were the most applicable for me (outside of the obvious "dyna")...
(c) HE PUT QUOTES AROUND NON-WORDPLAY hahah.... i just said that in the setup to bring calling my opponent "a Pauline" into context... The "Dee" and "Diana" is not wordplay -- that is like "sign of a biter 101".... Not only is he a biter, but he is an ignorant biter...

lol, i guess it still isn't as bad as the time a kid bit my "Grafitti Artist" topical, in which I actually had my name in the drop towards the end -- and then when people called him out, he started saying "I just posted this because i thought it was good"... that is about as bad of a biter as it gets lol.... but yea, i don't like biters, but i can't stand the ones that like sit around justifying/defending the fact that they didn't bite... so i can help prove this further if need be.... just let me know!

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