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Old 01-06-07, 02:13 PM   #12
Light Weight
Posts: 225


^^ Come on, don't say that, dawg are u shittin' me?
You gave RB a show...
... that would have got the WORST ratings in history
^^Nice opener.

No way in hell ur the best, ur not strong or a threat
Ur the 18 Wheeler of RV...
... u just truck along on ur rep
^^Not bad.

Fuckin' cunt, I'm sure ur boys will hit this up later
U have such a Big Unit of dickriders, they could pitch in the majors
^^Tight hit.

Always switchin' leagues, I ain't fuckin' lyin' n' yo
Join the humane society, just MAYBE they could find u a home
^^Hmm, not liking this one too much.

I'm hardly barin' this hoe, n' I swear that u blow
Ur verses are like airline mags...
.. peeps read u when they're bored n' have no where to go
^^Haha, this is cool.

Soft faggot, ^^^ this is a follow up, u've never rapped hard
Ur lines are so complementary, they rep the subject of the last bar
^^Weak follow-up, comparitively.

Half ur lines are homo shit, no one's respectin' this lame
U write so many gay lines, I'm POSITIVE ur verse is infected with AIDS
^^Good flip.

U wished Timberlands for Christmas, but this faggot'll see
I ^^^^^^^^^^^^...
... on ur verse, to cover ur wackness from the league
^^Cool stuff.

Lets talk WBL. Advertisin' that shit league here? Fuck you
I'll make ur roster so Razor thin, Gillette blades could cut u
^^Nah, this is weak.

That rec's fake with joke wins, ur fat n' a queer
U've Garner'd so many no-shows, u embarass Jennifer's acting career
^^lol, good closer.

Overall this was pretty a tight verse. Probably could easily beat most verses in the league this week. Generally consistent throughout and you came with some strong hits. Nothing wack in the entire thing


John Hensley

In a concept flipping battle? honestly, the irony in this is worth it D.
Cuz when it comes to flippin concepts, you've got mine down.. PERFECTLY.

Jackin my style..i should reverse the shit and create some suspense.
N' take urs for takin mine.. but stealin my own shit just doesn't make any sense.
^^Really nice.

The league SUCKS witout kemp, but you're still likely to brag.
Even tho the wackness has doubled..
... kinda like your top punches since you started writing the mag.
^^It's nice... but not THAT nice.

I'm landin knockout hits, n' the force from my fist is great.
Fuck the number row.. you'll be seein stars WITHOUT holdin shift and hittin 8.
^^This one sucks.

Remember the sidewalk game? kinda annoying in fact.
I dunno if she's superstitious..
.. but from the looks of you.. ya mom shoulda avoided the crack.
^^lol, dope.

Your playground rhymes are slippin, soon they'll finally be gone.
Seriously bitch, 1st graders are even jealous of the huge fuckin slide u've been on.
^^Pretty nice.

People yelling your name? the truth hurts, so this'll damage ya more.
The last time someone yelled Da, Da.. was you right after yours ran out the door.

I keep the halloween theme with my guns and my rappin' patern.
So trust me mother fucker. this pumpkin light you up like a jackolantern.
^^This would have been tighter around Halloween :/. But it's still tight.

^Don't be confused, trust me i really DO think this head's wack.
But speakin of dope.. what in the FUCK was I on when i said that????????????
^^Good hit.

Overall a really nice verse. Overall pretty damn consistent and only one horrible bar which was the worst of the battle.

I'm going to go with Hensley just because his strong hits were better than DaTrus'. Both of you guys came really nicely making it the best match-up in the league this weak but Hensley got this by a fair margin in my mind, but by no means easily.

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