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Old 01-08-07, 12:45 PM   #2
I Hurt.
Posts: 3,599

Bitch of the Week

The above is one of the bitches of the week. The other is...

Everyone who no-showed!

There was no one person who I felt was a true bitch this week. Instead, I decided to pass the award off to everyone who didn’t show last week. Damn you people!

LBL All-Time Records

As some of you may have seen, I have created a new thread LBL History & Hall of Fame entitled LBL All-Time Records. This thread is a work in progress. Over the next couple of weeks, I intend to update this thread with EVERYONE’s all-time LBL record. This will take me awhile, but its something to look out for in the coming weeks.

RapVerse: The Series

Nick Fletcher posted his first episode of “RapVerse: The Series.” The first episode was entitled “The Candy Caper” and featured some of RapVerses’ most known and annoying members. It was a funny read, and just the beginning of what should prove to become a quite entertaining series for the league.

1-2-1 League Finals

The 2nd season of the 1-2-1 league is almost over. The playoffs are down to 2 men, N. Tavarez and Te Ora. They have dropped for the championship, please vote on it!

There are 4 bars total in the battle, please break down the battle bar by bar when you vote.

In other news about the league, I do not have time to run the 1-2-1 league and the LBL. I am accepting applications now to become the new 1-2-1 league mod. If you are interested, please see the application thread and follow the directions. Thanks.


I promised a few weeks ago in the mag that anyone who recruits 5 people will get a free win. This week had a really good number of signins. Many of those were people I recruited, but if you helped recruit any or recruit any in the future, make sure you tell them to give you credit. Spread the word about this league fellas, and I’ll take care of everything else with making this league dope.

The Boot

Perpetual Emnity

Thanks for dropping on time this week, but unfortunately you need to elevate some to compete in this league. Keep dropping in the cypher and when you have elevated feel free to sign back into the league.

The Interview

This week I decided to talk to one of the LBL’s newest members, Binary I. It was a dope interview, you all definitely need to read this or you are seriously missing out:

DaTrusHurtz:: hey hows it going man
Binary I:: good
Binary I:: who's this
Binary I:: i ain't been on aim in a minute
DaTrusHurtz:: word, i'm Trus, the mod of the LBL
Binary I:: oh yeah
Binary I:: when's my match go up
DaTrusHurtz:: matches go up sunday mornings
Binary I:: okay
Binary I:: you ready for me to bring the fire back to the league
DaTrusHurtz:: of course man
DaTrusHurtz:: u want to be interviewed for the mag?
Binary I:: nick fletcher ain't a problem to me
Binary I:: sure
DaTrusHurtz:: aight tightt... so nick fletcher ain't a problem to you.. who do you see as the biggest threats in the league now
Binary I:: the thing is, alot of people need to look out for the unrecognised
Binary I:: i expect some of the lesser known heads to elevate
DaTrusHurtz:: thats kind of a focus in this league.. i want dope heads to join, but i'm just as cool just trying to elevate current ones in the elevation thread
DaTrusHurtz:: are there any heads in specific u've liked what u've seen and think they have a lot of potential
Binary I:: i'd say watch out for appocolyptik
Binary I:: he's 4-0, making moves
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah, he's not really that new, just signed out for awhile and signed back, but yea he's only 15 so he's doin' nice
Binary I:: it's the young who are bringing new styles
Binary I:: like the dude sound is about 14 now
Binary I:: he would dust a lot of asses in my opinion
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah, and in fact he has in the lbl, though he never quite champed the league
DaTrusHurtz:: how old are you
Binary I:: well i'm 17
DaTrusHurtz:: cool tell me some more about yourself that will entertain the folks readin' this
Binary I:: alot of people don't believe me but i have about 250 spirals full in my basement and 2000+ sheets of looseleaf
Binary I:: i never ever did anything with my life until a few months ago
Binary I:: i used to write instead of play ball, write in class, i read the dictionary 3 times, and the thesaurus twice
Binary I:: i don't boast alot, but i have a few years under my belt and in 3 more i've been doing this a decade
Binary I:: brb
DaTrusHurtz:: word, thats some interesting shit, good personal material for sure. When you were readin' the dictionary, did u come across any words while readin' it that made u think to urself "damn, that would would make some dope wordplay"
Binary I:: yeah
Binary I:: that's where i get my wordplay
Binary I:: "someone get this manacure like clean nails"
Binary I:: "i black out when i freestyle, cotton mouths a bitch, someone get this man a tea like sea cows"
DaTrusHurtz:: haha well that sure is a unique way to get concepts, but surely a good one
DaTrusHurtz:: what do you think it is about your writing that makes you dope
Binary I:: rhyme scheme
Binary I:: that is what makes me fluid, and i don't think i'm dope like fracture dope, i think i'm more of the writer
DaTrusHurtz:: have you ever done topicals
Binary I:: yessir
Binary I:: 3 month rapworld champion til i decided to quit
Binary I:: i've collabed with alot of people on topicals
DaTrusHurtz:: grats man, but battling is more your thing?
Binary I:: i don't know, i'd say that since topicals are much more poetic they come easier to me, but it's easier to battle
Binary I:: if you have words to work with
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah definately, and takes much less time to write a good battle than a good topical
DaTrusHurtz:: so u championed rapworld for awhile topically, what have you champed in text
Binary I:: i've come close to champing wbl when fracture was arguing with ex kal
Binary I:: i've been close to titles so much and i've let it all go in favor of what i do outside of the internet
Binary I:: i'm an underdog who hasn't really tasted the bite, and i think that only makes me hungrier
DaTrusHurtz:: word, have long u been textin?
Binary I:: since 2002
Binary I:: i used to do it to see if the internet had caught up with me
Binary I:: could i post my lyrics or not and i found a site
Binary I:: i had a crew with a newbie name nowadays that layed down everyone until older people came to the site and then i was ill enough to be in their crew
Binary I:: i still can't find the url there, had something to do with colorado
DaTrusHurtz:: lol, sounds like kinda a wack name
Binary I:: yeah, it was something like artificial mindz or something
Binary I:: it made no sense
Binary I:: we had a guy named taz, a dude named Frost, and a couple other crazy 20 year olds who would never make it
DaTrusHurtz:: so what do you think of the state of text now
Binary I:: i think things will look up. you'll always have biters and newbies and people who want to be that person on top that no one can beat, but that's natural
Binary I:: i'm hoping that people will filter out the weak and only the strong will stand
Binary I:: we're looking to make this art
DaTrusHurtz:: thats kind of how i've always seen it, its something u gotta master. Too many people give up on it easily. I'm hoping that I can work with some of the lesser heads of this league and make them better
DaTrusHurtz:: Random note about biters, some dude just googled my name as datrushurts, spelled wrong with an s on the end and told me to check it out
DaTrusHurtz:: i checked it out and found a bunch of battles on PR with some dude taking verses i posted on another site and using them to battle guys on PR
DaTrusHurtz:: lol wack fucks
Binary I:: they do that everywhere
Binary I:: ask richard corey how many times he's bitten
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah they usually do that tho for guys like Fracture n' Corey
DaTrusHurtz:: this was done when i was fairly new at text at not really anything special
Binary I:: they even bit allah/david lama on myspace
Binary I:: a topical at that, one that wasn't his best
DaTrusHurtz:: lol damn thats sad
DaTrusHurtz:: have u ever been accused of biting
Binary I:: no
Binary I:: i never will neither because i never even stray into lines that resemble other peoples
Binary I:: of course you run into those concepts, but you find a different angle of it
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah, just most people inevitably get accused at some point cuz of coincidences and so many lines having been done before
Binary I:: all i have to say is if you do it, don't get caught, and if you do, don't be a pussy about it
Binary I:: there's people out there on boards who don't even rap that watch what is said and they will find you
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah i think its pretty hard to get away with it these days
Binary I:: originality is what you need, what the game's been missin in juelz' terms
DaTrusHurtz:: definately agreed. What do you think is a key to bein' creative and not needin' to use those played idea
Binary I:: i think that you need to watch movies and read the paper and see what's hot and make lines from that. i think that the most indispensable tools are the dictionary and thesaurus
Binary I:: there's so many words and ways to twist them it's ridiculous to have to bite
Binary I:: people are tooo lazy to make work out of a verse
Binary I:: like let's say, the word "highfalutin" or however you spell it
Binary I:: no one puts that in verses. that's a sign you've hit something
Binary I:: then you look for verbs
Binary I:: you can be high, and you can loot
Binary I:: so you musta been high fa lootin like new orleans
Binary I:: and then you tie that to biting
Binary I:: concepts are everywhere
DaTrusHurtz:: lol never seen that, i like that. I think another thing is people will think of a concept thats fine, but then take the easy way out and flip it the most obvious way instead of brainstorming other ways
DaTrusHurtz:: for an average 20 line verse, how much time do you think a fairly new head should spend writing their verse
Binary I:: i mean, if you are natural, you can keystyle it in 15 minutes
Binary I:: alot of people i know do this and just edit after looking it over a few times
Binary I:: then there's people who want that sting and they should spend about half an hour
Binary I:: get notecards or a sheet of paper and look for words, list them, and think of how to twist them
Binary I:: take notes, find variables, and your fine
DaTrusHurtz:: word thats great advice man, i hope a lot of people are reading this. What other advice do you have for newer heads
Binary I:: study the people you listen to, look for heads you like and try to figure out how they think
Binary I:: look at how the words come together, the way things fit on page can be manipulated easily
Binary I:: chino xl has so much wordplay/metas it takes you awhile for shit to register
Binary I:: i studied how he made words fit
Binary I:: canibus, i studied him
Binary I:: then i looked at the similarities between them
DaTrusHurtz:: that's interesting, i've always tried to learn more from text heads than real heads
Binary I:: the common thing is how you place words and whether they clutter or make some sense in flow
Binary I:: well, you can get their "text" from
Binary I:: same idea basically
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah thats true, i've just always felt real rappers don't battle often enough that you can see enough battle verses to learn a lot from that
Binary I:: that's why i chose chino and bis
Binary I:: they have battle verses for songs practically
Binary I:: they diss an unseen opponent throughout
DaTrusHurtz:: any songs in particular ur a big fan of?
Binary I:: you want to hear real wordplay? chino xl-wordsmith is in my all time favorite song category
DaTrusHurtz:: word, i'll check that shit out
Binary I:: yup, there's a good verse from canibus on "beasts from the east" featuring mr cheeks, redman, and a-plus
DaTrusHurtz:: do you listen to a lot of commercial shit too or mostly hardcore stuff
Binary I:: i can get down with cassidy
Binary I:: they have to be creative
Binary I:: ludacris i can listen to
Binary I:: not much radio shit enthuses me
DaTrusHurtz:: yea i feel like ludacris wastes his talent
DaTrusHurtz:: i wish he'd make more shit like hip hop quotables
Binary I:: they don't give him what he deserves now, why would he become more obscure?
DaTrusHurtz:: yea i can't blame him, club shit makes $$$
Binary I:: you see, wordplay and punchlines have to be simple for commercial listeners or the idiots wouldn't understand
Binary I:: shake that ass like jello
Binary I:: comes off quicker than shake that ass like hypothermia
Binary I:: you know?
DaTrusHurtz:: hahaha, word thats a good way to put it
DaTrusHurtz:: and a lotta this shit is listened to when people are drunk anyway so who wants to hear that when drunk
Binary I:: i wish people would just come off of this ice age craze
Binary I:: it shoulda died back when
DaTrusHurtz:: yea i dont see that happenin' any time soon
DaTrusHurtz:: do u agree with nas that hip hop is dead
Binary I:: yeah
Binary I:: i think the freestyle is gone
Binary I:: i think that b-boys dont' get enough exposure on tv
Binary I:: i think that graff writers should have museums
Binary I:: and i think it's about a quick buck
Binary I:: brother ali said songs are like our souls and we shouldn't sell them off and we shouldn't be compromised about what they say
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah thats nice in theory, unfortunately with the type of money rappers make its a bit hard to blame some of them when put in their shoes
Binary I:: yeah, but i'll never sell out to be famous or rich
Binary I:: i'll be moderately well fed and underground before commercial and weak
DaTrusHurtz:: yea, a lotta rappers aren't the most ethical people too u gotta remember
Binary I:: the people i listen to are
Binary I:: i wish it wasn't all for money
Binary I:: if i ruled the world, wack people would serve time
Binary I:: and rap would be a school course
DaTrusHurtz:: hahaha, run for office my man
Binary I:: nah
Binary I:: i can't stand corrupt governments
Binary I:: don't get me started on that
DaTrusHurtz:: for real tho, people could learn a lot more from writing rap and expanding their mind than learning some physics formulas
Binary I:: oh yeah
DaTrusHurtz:: just u could never tell a parent that
Binary I:: well, they have creative writing class, but uhhh
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah writing stories about dinosaurs in la la land isn't the same thing
Binary I:: they let you do rap lyrics
DaTrusHurtz:: that might change tho, who knows.. i mean mostly young people listen to hip-hop.. eventually those people are gonna be parents. Juss because they become parents don't mean they'll suddenly forget their childhood music
Binary I:: yeah
Binary I:: well, the hip hop generation is what is parenting now
Binary I:: my mom is cool with whatever i do and doesn't care if i use my last dollar before i achieve my dreams
Binary I:: as long as i'm not asking for change i'm writing
DaTrusHurtz:: do you think that attitude has played a big part in becoming a good writer
Binary I:: yes, your attitude is the soul of your writing
Binary I:: how you feel determines everything, even down to the words you choose
Binary I:: the way you look at life determines whether you choose to call something aggravating or incendiary
Binary I:: whether winter is cold or a dandruff scratch from god's hair
DaTrusHurtz:: so you think that poor atttidues are why so many people who join these rap sites give up so soon before really seeing what they can do
Binary I:: how confident you are is used in battling and writing
Binary I:: why do you think women like rappers? they're confident. there's gold digging bitches but there's also women who see the confidence
DaTrusHurtz:: oh absolutely. You can see they don't give a fuck if they're liked or what they do, they love life the way it is. How do you think you exude confidence in ur writing
DaTrusHurtz:: Or in other words, how can you tell if someone is confident from their verse
Binary I:: oh, when you read it you'll know
Binary I:: some people have what's known as "writer's voice"
Binary I:: if it's there, it can be all moods
Binary I:: you heard eminem when he raps to his daughter, but isn't it different when he's dissing benzino?
Binary I:: right off page you can say frac's an asshole just because of how words are written
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah eminem has like a million different styles and he pulls every single one of them off well
Binary I:: it's all about the word choice, and what makes it seem arrogant
Binary I:: you can choose to write like that
DaTrusHurtz:: do you think there are certain words you can use which instantly make u a more confident writer
Binary I:: not that, i just mean the way each fits when recited
Binary I:: writer's voice is like when you read a novel, how the author brings you the story is different for each author
Binary I:: dan brown is to the point
Binary I:: but what about steinbeck? imaginative, way more descriptive
DaTrusHurtz:: i think thats a major problem in text these days.. theres some dudes who have very unique styles like Butler or Resin, but a lot of people write almost exactly the same way
Binary I:: that way you describe things, that way you put things changes all of it
DaTrusHurtz:: For people who haven't really developed a style, what do you think they need to do
Binary I:: i would say find what you think is inside of you
Binary I:: the truth about your life, and illustrate that
Binary I:: writing wise
Binary I:: battles, i'd say stick to how you want things
Binary I:: there's a lot of ways to mess with battle verses, i'd say pick an aspect and be better at that than someone else
Binary I:: there's always something to improve and practice is best
Binary I:: i want all the people who come in to know that failure is part of success
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah i think people worry sometimes too much about winning when they are new and not wanting to face people who are better than them and not worrying enough on their own verse
Binary I:: what you do is suck that up, and learn about your opponent
Binary I:: research on them, what the hell is he yappin bout in the open forums?
Binary I:: take some of his dumb ass words and throw em in punches
Binary I:: if he's not famous on the board, make him infamous
DaTrusHurtz:: oh absolutely, I think sometimes battles are too impersonal. Too many generics that could really apply to anyone. People should take this more personally
DaTrusHurtz:: Write that diss about someone that makes them never come back
Binary I:: make it like im so close i can taste your teeth
Binary I:: i'm in your face about to show these people watching how much of a clown you are and as a man you can't come back?
Binary I:: i'm talking about your goofy ass sneakers and your oddly shaped face an your talking about shooting caps
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah a lot of people are like eh, whatever, he got me.. when they shouldn't just take it
Binary I:: hell no
Binary I:: if you lose to someone, never let em off the hook, even if you beat em later on
Binary I:: i felt like i wanted to quit rap when i lost my first battle in real life
Binary I:: i cried at age 13
DaTrusHurtz:: i think a lot of people see a tough opponent they've lost to and want to just give up and let them win again
Binary I:: but then i said, you know what, let's do what others don't
Binary I:: yeah, they are intimidated
Binary I:: i don't care, i think that if you are intimidated, you shouldn't give in, use that as your motivator
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah i mean half the problem is sometimes people just don't try
DaTrusHurtz:: people don't realize how good you can come if you just take ur time and focus
Binary I:: i had problems with wording
Binary I:: they said, damn, where'd you come up with this concept? you know you fucked that bar up
Binary I:: you didn't have a clear understanding
Binary I:: so i had to focus more on being concise
Binary I:: whatever you do wrong, there is a medicine
DaTrusHurtz:: of course there is. I don't think u have to be a genius to be good at rap battling. It's really an art almost anyone can master
Binary I:: persistence is what everyone needs
Binary I:: i slowed down now, but i wrote 12 pages a day for 6 years
Binary I:: get on that schedule, don't let yourself up, and see where it takes you
Binary I:: working up to that is good, being so used to writing that you can just rattle off rhymes, and being so used to writing that eventually you don't have any problem writing a hot 3 minute verse
Binary I:: hey, i gotta go
Binary I:: it's been fun
DaTrusHurtz:: yeah definately man, thanks, you've given a LOT of great input
DaTrusHurtz:: i hope this will inspirational to people who read it
Binary I:: no problem
DaTrusHurtz:: any last words?
Binary I:: im deep with it
Binary I:: uhh
Binary I:: don't engage with iran
Binary I:: lol
DaTrusHurtz:: hahaha
DaTrusHurtz:: with that 100%
Binary I:: aight, i'm out
DaTrusHurtz:: aight, pz, gl in the league
Binary I:: yup


LBL Championship: 1. John Hensley (11-1) vs. 2. Appocolyptik (5-0)

This should be a nice battle. John Hensley has been coming consistently dope and will be tough to bring down. Appocolyptik almost signed out due to time commitments so that might bog him down here. Hensley to win.

LBL Contendership: 3. Final (4-0) vs. 4. Wordz Ahgod (4-1)

Sorry guys, but I think this battle will be kind of weak for a contendership. Final has been lucky getting no-shows and easy opponents to get here. Wordz got a nice win last week over Comedian and didn’t drop the week before against DaTrusHurtz. I’m betting Wordz will carry that momentum into a win here.

5. Feeble Minded (3-1) vs. 6. N. Tavarez (19-5)

This battle has the potential to be pretty dope. One of RV’s best vs. one of RB’s best. Feeble hasn’t been dropping himself lately. I’m not sure if N. Tavarez will be a bit rusty as he hasn’t had a real battle in awhile, but he’s been dropping nice in the 1-2-1 league, and I think he’ll win this.

7. Trunks (2-0) vs. 8. Te Ora (10-4)

After a short break, Te Ora has signed back into the league. He has been consistently improving over his stay. Trunks has had two easy wins so its hard to say how he’ll drop in a battle with real competition. I got Te Ora winning this.

9. DaTrusHurtz (21-3) vs. 10. Sonny Dimebags (18-9)

Surprisingly, even though we’ve both been in this league for quite awhile, we’ve never faced before. Should be a good battle, good luck.

11. Wireless (2-0) vs. 12. Vitticus (2-0)

This battle will be okay. Both are newer heads who aren’t bad, but still have a bit of elevating to do before they get to that next level. Wireless is a little more elevated and consistent than Vitticus so I got him winning this.

13. GREVISS (2-0) vs. 14. Keyed (2-1)

GREVISS has had two no-show victories to get here. Keyed has had an easy path as well. From what I’ve seen from both, I think Keyed will take this one without too much of a problem.

15. TEF (6-6) vs. 16. Prosecuter (2-1)

TEF still has problems with stretched lines, but is improving. Prosecuter is okay, this battle shouldn’t be too bad. I could see it really going either way. If TEF does his research, takes his time, and gets personal with Prosecuter I can see him winning this, but I’m gonna predict Prosecuter here.

17. Comedian (10-3) vs. 18. Cocaine (3-1)

Comedian got beat by Wordz Ahgod last week and took a fall in the rankings. With Cocaine likely spending more time on the Gimmick Title, I predict Comedian will climb back up the rankings.

19. F5TH-DAWG (1-0) vs. 20. Kimura (1-0)

This battle will be decent for a battle of the lower ranks. F5TH had a cool verse last week, though he edited out most of it since his opponent no-showed. I haven’t seen much from Kimura other than his verse in the Gimmick Title thread so its hard to predict, but from that I’m going with F5TH-DAWG.

21. ATLAS.. (1-0) vs. 22. Lampejo (11-9)

This could go either way. I’m not even sure if ATLAS.. will show. Lampejo is pretty inconsistent, but usually comes with at least 1 or 2 okay bars a week. I’ll predict Lampejo in this one.

23. RapGod (1-0) vs. 24. Infamouz (1-2)

I haven’t seen anything from RapGod so I have no idea how he will come. Infamouz seems a bit strapped for time so I don’t really see him taking the time to write a good verse. I’ll go with RapGod in this one.

25. Stanza (10-13) vs. 26. Faime S. Quotez (0-2)

Both are using the elevation thread and trying to improve which is great. I think Faime S. Quotez is a little better, and I’ll predict him to win this.

27. Chris Stylez (0-1) vs. 28. Binary I (0-0)

Binary I is pretty dope. Chris Stylez really didn’t come very good at all last week. Unless a miracle happens, I don’t see Chris winning this.

29. Tony Brown (0-0) vs. 30. DuPont Pluourde (0-0)

I haven’t seen anything from DuPont so its hard to say how he’ll come in this battle. Tony is pretty consistent, much better than the average newbie. I’m gonna go with Tony here.

31. Lethargic (0-0) vs. 32. Possible (0-0)

Both these guys hail from RB and haven’t consistently battled in awhile. Lethargic has been doing this for much longer than Possible so I got Lethargic winning.

33. RaI$Ed (0-0) vs. 34. Eidolon (0-0)

I’m not at all familiar with either person so I’ll predict Eidolon for the better name.

5 Regular Battles To Watch

1. John Hensley vs. Appocolyptik
2. Feeble Minded vs. N. Tavarez
3. DaTrusHurtz vs. Sonny Dimebags
4. Trunks vs. Te Ora
5. Comedian vs. Cocaine

Top 10 Power Rankings

10. F5TH-DAWG – New to the league, but I fully expect him to be showing what he can do in the coming weeks.

9. Comedian – Comes pretty consistent, just needs to work on landing more knockout punches. Will be climbing the ranks again over the next few weeks.

8. Sonny Dimebags – Came close to beating Appocolyptik, but once again after getting near the top couldn’t quite get all the way to #1.

7. Wordz Ahgod – Has shown some nice improvement over the last few weeks and has reached the contendership. Will likely be in the champ match next week.

6. Feeble Minded – Hasn’t dropped yet to his ability, but has a tough match this week against N. Tavarez which should motivate him.

5. Te Ora – Also recently signed in after a short break. Was dropping pretty nice before he left and will likely be in the contendership next week.

4. DaTrusHurtz – Has lost the last 3 champ matches by a combined 5 votes. Dropping pretty dope at the moment and should get back to the champ match.

3. N. Tavarez – Signed back in this week and is an instant threat to retain the title he held awhile ago.

2. Appocolyptik – Didn’t come as nice as he did in past battles last week, but came well enough to beat Sonny. Will need to come his dopest to beat Hensley.

1. John Hensley – Continued his run as champ by beating DaTrusHurtz. Dropping very consistent and will be hard to beat.

New Arrivals

I’d like to welcome the following members who are new to RV and the LBL!

DuPont Pluourde
Tony Brown
Binary I

I hope you guys enjoy your stay in the LBL. If you have any ideas for the league, please feel free to let me know, I am a very open mod.

Advice of the Week

This is some personal advice for some of you guys. Take it or leave it.

Comedian – If you think of a dope line while writing the cypher, save it for your regular battle.
Feeble Minded – Give it your best this week, you’ll need to if you want to win.
Final – Don’t count on your opponent no-showing this week, Wordz will show.
GREVISS – Take the spaces out between your lines. They make you look newbish.
Wireless – You’ve talked a lot in the chat thread. Drop nice this week and backup some of your talk.


I’m pretty excited about this coming week, lots of great matchups are set assuming people show-up for them. League is looking better each week, just continue to tell your friends to signup and drop your best. Pzzz

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