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Old 01-08-07, 03:16 PM   #3
Whys That?
Posts: 2,007

Hip Hop in general is Yin and yang.
We have both sides to it, but as much as I hate the weak fake bullshit that portrays hip hop as screaming, bling, hoes money and cars and basically all round generic money making tactics it is contered by the current state of the underground.
With everything ,theres a fake side and a real side, even with each and every person we all have two sides to us. Just with hip hop the wrong side has prevailed. The fake shit sells. Simple!

The music side of hip hop has been devided. Theres also a new Genre of music coming out,that should be a sub genre of rap music. But the same with the culture. With weak fake bullshit theres the real pure essence of the music.
Humans are stupid (majority), so pathetic mindless music sells, thats fact!
On a personal note, I would love hip hop to die, I would love the money thats going into rap music and Hip Hop culture in general to go into rock, or Pop.
Why?! Cause once hip hop is no longer "cool" The real heads that respect live and love the culture, will stay repping, while the crowed followers will all of a sudden become skateboarding Emo kids.
I am actually very content with the music at the moment, cause if we search deep underground we find some of the most pure Hip Hop music that the culture has ever heard. So I guess the more wack the mainstream gets, the more solid our underground gets.

End a the day, a outsider looking at rap music will see a fucked up image. Raps fucked, but so is earth. Deal with it.
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