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Old 01-08-07, 09:31 PM   #9
Posts: 4,917
From: colorado

Originally Posted by ECKO
a gram of chronic here ranges from 15$-30$

Thats because we live in areas where weed is fucking bomb. $10 for a gram? Haha yeah right fucking beasters at best. I just sold out of my white widow and that was goin for $30 for 1.7 grams... Average is $50 for an eigth, or $350 for an ounce. If im lucky i can find a QP for a grand. Make some profit. Shrooms is $180 per ounce. E pills for about $15-$20. Coke is $150 for an 8 ball. Oxy Cotton is a dollar a milligram.

So there you go lol some denver drug prices if you plan on coming out here. you better have bomb weed though we dont fuck with sticks seeds or any of that shit.
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