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Old 01-10-07, 01:46 PM   #4
Dufflebag Boy
why so serious!!??
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Posts: 2,059

KRS-1 is on some real shit but i disagree wit his approvement on the south
rap in general sold out to club and radio friendly songs just ta make money
after they make the money they breg/rap about money and it goes in a cycle
which to me is uncreative and boring the south aint going nowhere wit hip hop/rap

hip hop aint dead but it also aint alive...its still pumping out our speakers and still owns all genres of music...its still everywhere u look and go but it aint real no more and i think rap has seen way better days...all our legends either was killed, sold out or is str8 up ignored due to the groupies that hopped on mike jones and paul wall's nuts rock died because after a while people got sick of it rock became unoriginal and repetitive so what is making rap so original??? its all club songs of these times people gonna get sick of it and hip hop will truly be dead
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