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Old 01-11-07, 09:07 PM   #11
Te Ora
Light Weight
Posts: 263

you have no supporters dude, and really whats best is..
no one likes bush, unless they have a hairy vagina fetish..
your foreign policies really none of that shits too fair..
because while iraq up bitches, u just kill innocent people there
i'll leave yah face bloody, physically beat yah, and you can bet son..
in this battle we'll see gore, like who u robbed in the 2000 election..
this nation'll guard and protect other countries from dropping the bomb
but ^^^^^^^ dawg isnt that where u went to hide from vietnam????
suddam's gone now, after you chased him forever..
and its hilarious cause almost all of america agree's... two should really hangout together..


your past ya prime, now go run along while grow men run ya life
isn't it sad that the next time you see 'vote-clinton' its gonna be for his wife
War with Iraq, the Katrina debacle and my speeches suck
but I really regret doing Cocaine like every girl my opponent has fucked

.. this shit was sorta unfair, there's a lot more personals on bush than there is on clinton. cocaine had a lot more material to diss, plus he used it well, and so takes this pretty easily. enjoyable read.

v/ cocaine

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