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Old 01-13-07, 06:46 PM   #2
Posts: 112

you need links^^check this latest topical battle

and im wondering if this was a topical battle, any how...nice
imagery, well sick as fuck actually...wich is a good thing
considering the had a steady story line and
a real nice flow, multis were good also...i really felt the
emotion of the little girl as well while the pedo was captured
more in the imagery, i felt your word choice was cool for
the most part...some were a lil strange to me, tho very
minor as from the little ive seen and know about pedos
they do not beat the children, rather they threaten as
they are cowards at heart and perhaps thats my own
perception and not valid at all that being said a lot of
your lyrics were fire...

The pungent stench of his stale breath, clung to her pale flesh ..
.. and she balled her fists at each sordid kiss,
Placed upon her by his morbid lips.

^^very nice...its obvious you got some writing expieriance and
i enjoyed the piece...stay up man...and if this is the quality of
your work...DROP MORE...its a lil dead around here at the moment
but there are plans in motion as we speak...if you go to the
everybody read thread on the top of the O.M section there
is a o.m mag proposal you should check it out and dont forget
the link to my out peace