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Old 01-14-07, 11:40 AM   #3
DaTrus Is A Bitch!
Restricted's Avatar
Posts: 3,774
From: Pittsburgh, PA

Aight..Definitly got that emotional R&B feel..

The definitly nice..

The female voice, you can tell is definitly young, but she can carry a note, but definitly needs more confidence.

The emotion by the first lyricist is felt, and the flow is on-point mostly..and the lyrics are good.

The chorus, is well put together..

Second verse is exactly the same as the first, flow wise and emotional wise..

The transition by the female vocalist was a nice touch to this song..definitly felt that

Third verse, was good as well, same basic flow as the first two and the emotion was definitly there.

This is most definitly an emotional and close heart hiting track, and I could tell it means a lot to you. There were some touch ups that could've been made throughout this track, flow, lyrically, and quality wise, but overall nice track man..keep dropping some hot tracks.
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