Thread: Random Thought
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Old 01-18-07, 11:36 PM   #1
Posts: 134
From: Toronto
Random Thought


I know after saying this, alot of you are just gonna say "LILLL BITCCCHHH" or "go kill yourself", but I really don't care. Because truthfully, I don't give a fuck about a single one of you. I just thought that this would make for some good discussion.

I've been battling with depression for a long time now. Sometimes all I can think about is death and suicide, even though I'd never bring myself to do it.. And it's not like I just get depressed over random shit that happens. I get depressed over fucking nothing, and just feel like dying.

The main reason I feel this way is because I look at life, and what people do. I can't picture myself working for the rest of my life. Busting my balls everyday to barely scrape out a living for my family. But who even says I want a family? It's not that I'm scared of commitment, it's that I'm scared of fighting with someone I love over who's turn it is to do the dishes, taking a backseat in her heart to our kids, and losing the desire to sleep with the woman lying next to me everynight. The whole thought of marriage and working is inhuman.

Sometimes I ask people a simple question... And I wonder if I'm possibly shattering the very basis of their existence. The question is: Why do you bother to live? The only answer I can think of is "Because everyone else is doing it." So what. People endure hundreds of cons throughout a single day for the few pros in their life. Some people tell me, "Sometimes those few pros outweigh all the cons you endure. They make life worth living."

Sorry my friend. Not in a world that revolves around time and money. The time you spend dealing with cons far outweighs the time you have with your pros, and the majority of your funds are not going towards the things you love in life. Who cares though right? The things you love, you barely do or see anyway... right?

Nobody has ever come up with a legitimate response. It leaves people speechless because they go "Holy fuck, he's right." People weren't meant to live their lives as robots working for the man; and they sure as fuck aren't meant to deal with the everyday stresses mankind endures today.

Pious out.
get attached to a rolling stone and you're libel to get crushed..
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