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Old 01-22-07, 09:05 PM   #20
Shear Kaughn
Broke as hell
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Posts: 2,276
From: Tenn-EZ

Originally Posted by Mindstate
me personally i dont see why people make such a big deal out of what race they are i mean freal we breathe the same air, eat the same way, talk the same way, live the same way...just how we present it in each culture is a lil diffrent but basically live the same way...dont matter whether your from china, africa, japan, mexico, spain, or wherever..we're all from earth and thats it. if i was to cut all of you each person would bleed red

i'm sorry..even though what your saying is the just isn't going to play out that way. becuase race was invented by man..and there is a stigma put on each race..mostly by the white thats why white people just can't go around saying "i'm white and i'm proud of it" because what group says that..The White supremacist, KKK and all that...who say "'i'm white and blacks, asians, and latinos are the scum of the earth. now think...what minority organizations goes around saying that about whites in america?


so thats why whites are seen as racist when they yell "white power"
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