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Old 01-23-07, 03:11 AM   #33
Logic The Goonie
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali

Originally Posted by Nimrod
First, I'd like to say that everybody who I need to explain this to is a fuckin boron

Secondly, anybody who thinks pro black is racist, is a fuckin idiot

Don't try to make up ur own definition, and fuck ur own interpretation, this is what it is, historically

Pro black, anybody in recognition of the black struggle and are for the progression of black people towards equality

Now, the reason yall are retarded, is because u see the terms, pro black, and pro white, and think they mean the same thing historically

And then u morons think its a double standard

U tell me, who the fuck in history have identified themselves as pro white?

That shouldn't be hard

Historically somebody who identifies themselves as pro white, is for seperation, is for whites remaining in power, and for minorities remaining under oppression

Stop thinking that because the words look alike they have the same history behind them

U know they don't, so stop playing the role of a moron

Next, why r there blac marches? And why would a white march be labeled racist?

Ok, who has black marches?

Blacks tryin to attain equality

Who the fuck has white marches?

Whites tryin to attain equality? Give me a fuckin break

Racist whites, kkk, whites who hate other races have marches

They are not the same fuckin thing

Why would a non racist white need to have a white march?

Why don't u morons realize that only minorities need to seperate themselves and commonly join for a common goal

Now, u can have irish marches, or italian marches, or scottish, or whatever, because they are a minority within a larger group

But there is no purpose for a white march, it just doesn't make fuckin sense

Whenever u have a group of people, the minorities within that group are goin to join commonly because by nature they have the odds against them

Why the fuck would those in power, those in majority, need to join together?

The only reason they would is if they wanted to oppress the little n1ggas

Open ur fuckin brains and think about it

Im tired of people who think bet is racist because there is no wet

Nbc, fox, abc, every fuckin channel is wet

White entertainment television

Why the fuck would they have a channel named wet when whites are already the majority?

Of they had one, it would only be because they are racist

Blacks, as well as spanish, etc, have their own channels because their culture isn't represented as much becuz most of america is white, so naturally most of regular tv is goin to appeal mainly to white people

Every fuckin cable channel is directed towards a minority

Nothin is every distinguished from a group if its not directed towards a minority

Gardenng channel

Gardeners are a minority

U aint gona see a non gardeners channel

That's just an analogy, but u should get the point

And I never wana se u morons talkin about its a double standard, because its not

If blacks were the majority, majority means who is in power, not total number

And blacks oppressed whites, then white marches would be needed

But that's not the case, so black marches and any other minority marches or whatever exist

Also, opey raised a good point in the other thread

He said that minorities can't be racist, only prejudice

Very true, by definition, racism is oppression

Don't go to fuckn and find me some 3 word definition of racism

U morons think that a short ass definition can fully explain the historical meaning of a word, dummies

A person with no power, by literal interpetation, can not be racist, only prejudice

How can black people oppress whites as a whole in tis country?

We can't

Now, that's not sayin that a lot of blacks are fucked up like some whites

Yes they are, some blacks are as prejucide as some whites

And they are all scum the same

But, its not by definition racism, because oppression isn't involved

But, man I've honestly stopped arguin that point years ago

I used to argue with n1ggas about it, but they were so stupid and ignorant that I couldn't tolerate arguin about it every single time

Cause none of them every took the time to truly do the research, they walways wana go to and come back with some bullshit, that makes u a fuckin idiot

Anyways, nowadays, I just let them slide thinking racism can be anybody because I don't have the energy to argue with them all

Once again, I sware I don't wana see n1ggas talkin about double standard, or bitchin about why there's a BET and no WET

I'll just let that Nimrod quote destroy the whole argument.

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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