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Old 01-24-07, 12:17 PM   #1
Logic The Goonie
I can rap and stuff.
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Posts: 10,226
From: So. Killa Kali
Money's importance?


I got into a huge argument with work about this, and Apexx if you read this I'd really like your opinion.

Someone I work with told me that by staying with the job I currently am in, and by going to school solely to learn instead of going so that I can get a better job, it wasn't going to work. I explained to her that with the lifestyle I aim to live (single, one bedroom apartment , basically the necessities) I don't need more than what I would be making in the position. After topping out I would be earning about $2,800 a month, so with a one bedroom apartment and minimal bills I would be more than fine. She disagreed and brought up the possibility of a child to which I replied that if there was a child that needs, I would look into earning enough money to provide what the child needs. Basically, the point was that I don't believe money is important beyond what you need to survive, the rest is luxury. She believes that money is 75% of life (she actually said this) and that the more money you make, the happier and better a person you will be.

Now don't get it wrong, I think money is important BUT only up to the point of survival. I think being comfortable with how you feel as a person about yourself and what YOU are, not what you have, is thousands of times more important than having enough money to buy whatever you want and live comfortably financially. So, which side of the spectrum do you lean towards, and why?

Track of the week:
Keith Murray - Nobody Do It Better
I rocked bells with L, SON!

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