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Old 01-24-07, 09:13 PM   #33
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

That had to be the gayest comic I've ever seen, Past Tense.

Disproving God creating us is quite simple.

1.) He is perfect. We are not. You could get into an argument about perfection being unable to create imperfection, but let's go on. Why did he create cancer? How difficult would it have been for him to take cancer out of the world? Why do people get hernias? Why do some babies get messed up in the womb and die? Why is the process of birth so difficult? Why is man able to procreate without problem at a young age, but a woman isn't able to without an increased risk of defects to the baby (perhaps God's way of saying 'fuck a lot of older women when you reach puberty)? If he doesn't want us to lust, why do we lust naturally? Satan? Give me a break.

2.) People believe the chances of life are too difficult, that the chance is far too small, so there must be an intelligent creator. But if you are going to have an intelligent creator, is that not much more difficult than it eventually happened spread over billions of light years loaded with galaxies, which are loaded with stars, which are loaded with planets? Is it not just as difficult that God defies all logic and a perfect being creates itself without any known laws? Now you may say, the origins of the universe are just as insanely illogical as the creation of God, since both came from nothing. But the universe is not perfect as God is supposed to be, and once you deal with such an infinitely complex matter as something from nothing, what we believe is a huge chance (i.e. life beginning) it is fractional to the impossibility presented in the first place.

In Layman's terms, say that the difficulty of God/the universe being created from nothing is 1, and say 1 is a huge number. Then, add in the small fraction of life's potential. Compared to this massive '1', this would be, say, 1/infinity. Probably a smaller number, but be sure that it would take a long time to type up '1/10000 (followed by a long, long time of holding down '0').

3. According to Occam's Razor, and plain logic, there is no point to multiple complex entities beyond necessity. Basically, here is the diagram:

God emerges from nothing ---> God creates the universe ---> shit happens ---> life happens

There is no need to make it more complicated by including another step.

The universe emerges from nothing ---> shit happens ---> life happens

4. Quantum mechanics proposes the no boundary universe --- basically, the universe has always existed. It is immensely complicated, proposed by Stephen Hawkings. So you say, God could always exist. But to build off my other arguments, the universe is not perfect --- God is. The universe cannot create things if it randomly wants to --- God can. So once more we're leaping into stages where our human brains cannot comprehend the figures.

And you want to know, if I am wrong and God exists, I have a good chance of not going to hell?

Because God has created humans with the ability to perform logic. He has led us on the path of evolution, he has basically said 'go this direction'. Sure, you can blame it on Satan, but Satan did not create this Universe and the potential to question God. God is a scientist --- he has created all of these laws that govern each aspect of our existence. So there are three things:

a.) God wants us to think on our own. As I have said, people mature at a young age, and men lose massive amounts of potential children before marriage. Basically, human society has fucked the religious: we cannot marry at a young age, and due to the currency system we are not able to support the family God has given us the ability to create.

b.) Satan did it.

c.) God wants us to be brainwashed, and being brainwashed is only bad by human standards.
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