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Old 01-25-07, 01:30 AM   #7
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
Posts: 5,606
From: Everywhere!

well, some people believe that money is happiness cuz, there ain't one homeless person that's jolly, i guarantee you that. but money in it self won't bring anyone happiness. its what you do with the money that can bring you happiness. i'm a person that likes to give and see people around me come up. now funding their dream and seeing them advancing themselves, that makes me feel good. therefore money can bring you happiness, but it's all about how you use it. if you use it for something stagnant, it won't bring you any long term happiness, but if you use it for something dynamic, something that you cna watch change and grow and progress, you'll see how happy money enabled you to make yourself.

some people on the other hand only feel good when they get things for themselves. they're vacuums and blackholes in that regard and they don't really have an emotional value to them selves usually because a parent or loved one or other esteemed individual in their life didn't enrich them and fill them with that sense of self worth, so they try to give them selves a sense of self worth by stuffing themselves with objects and "things" thinking that somehow equates to "substance". ulitmately this never brings happiness because there is no replacement for a sense of personal self worth. peoples insecurities manifest in many different ways. the same type of thing manifests in a woman that may not have had recieved love from her rather. she's prone to become highly sexually active because she translates intimacy with men to a feeling of worth from a man. the sense of worth she never got from her father. males are subject to the same type of situation where they never feel like they were "good enough" to their mothers, so they sleep around with as many women as possible seeking to fill that void and reassure themselves that a woman thinks they're "good enough".

people's insecurities manifest in a whole lot of ways, and everyone's got one.

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