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Old 01-25-07, 02:28 AM   #40
King Solo
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Posts: 17,012

Originally Posted by Ebircs
werd to apexx....and notice the most garbo mah fuckers ever got shit like this to say..........................

i for real give a fuck about being a legend on a RV but still....i like to talk shit...and it's funny.....

anyhow, 89.9 % of ya'll can suck my dick and 99.9 mean anything to anyone online or off, and thats why u rack up 100000 posts and know everyones origin on RV like u makin a fuckin comic book out of it....ya'll need to go write a fuckin blog or some shit instead of wasting everyones time. if u an't writing or rapping....STFU...and if u just writing...dont act bad ass........and if u garbo on a mic....get better......easy as that.....

and still LOL @ don of mics or whatever ur new homo ass name is.....

Hmmm, I detect a few shots towards me in there.

I personally don't care about being a legend on any site. I could be a fucking nobody on every site I go on and still maintain a happy life. I rack up over 10,000 posts, I know most dudes origins on RV because I've been here from the beginning. That doesn't mean I fucking care about it at all.
And wow at you mentioning that comic book script shit I did. Is that meant as an insult to say I have no life. Firstly, that takes around 2-3 hours that I put into it over the space of a week. But more to the point, if you would read other conversations regarding that, ones that I've had with numerous people you would realise that I have no aspirations in life towards a career in music, but I do however have aspirations in life towards a career in writing. Erego, me writing a comic book script type of shit further develops my writing skills and just increases my chances of getting to where I want to be in life.

And as far as text goes, again... that could be considered a way of developing my writing skills, I also do topical writing to... are you going to persecute me for trying to maximise on my writing skills. So as far as "picking up a mic" goes.... people can throw that little childish zinger at me all they want. I don't intend on ever picking up a mic because it serves me no purpose in any of my life goals.

That is all.
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