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Old 01-25-07, 06:24 AM   #11
La Cosa Nostra
Bangs like bikini attol
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by Past Tense
lol've strayed far away

How can you depend on a cold world that will not be there for you?

Again its FOOLISH not to beleive in God....take a look around honestly think that THIS WHOLE Life happend by chance? obviously missed what Christianity really is.....its all based on Love.....not on doing right,not on following all the rules...for we've all broke the rules and thats what split us between us and God thats why Jesus had to come and fill that spot

If you really were into it you'd know this

Proverbs 3

3-Let love and faithfulness never leave you:bind them around your neck,write them on the tablet of your heart.
4-Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.
5-Trust in the LORD with all your heart and LEAN NOT ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING
6-in ALL OF YOUR WAYS acknoledge h im and he will make your paths straight
7-Do not be wise in your own eyes;fear the Lord and shun evil.

I have no idea what led you astray...but not to beleive in God is a selfish pride.


Hebrews 11
3-By faith we understand that the UNIVERSE was FORMED AT GODS COMMAND so that what is seen was NOT MADE OUT OF WHATS VISABLE.


How ignorant of you...

Your religion's credibility is attacked, and you argue as if to say if you dont believe in christianity, you dont believe in god..

God is beyond your frail human beliefs...

Jesus? Give me a break dude.. Jesus hasnt even come.. No matter how diluded your religion has made people throughout the centuries, you cannot honestly tell anyone THE devine religious military leader has decended to earth and fought a war ultimatly expelling evil from the world.

Are you stupid? Christianity is based on the same old self-important slimebag jewish babble that only ignorant fucks take seriously.

The way you quote those texts is sickening.. The only reason western culture is on the bibles dick in the first place is cause of the romans who moulded the religion and its texts to suit their own agenda.. And for fuck sake, belief in god has absolutly NOTHING to do with christianity, belief in god is spiritual.. Christianity is a label given to a set philosophy of elements selected from a pre-set religion who also believe a jewish man who lived 2 millenia ago was an aspect of the creator of the universe worthy of worship on the same level as god himself which is compleatly blasphemous..

And your simple minded enough to have unflinching 'faith' in this old dribble..

Get a grip....
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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