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Old 01-25-07, 08:55 PM   #7
Middle Weight
Posts: 583
From: tennessee.

i might as well key something..i dont feel like writing for this..but im not gonna no show..

ur a faggot dude, ur pedestrian ass hoe better quit talking
fuck jay walking...this faggot's been known for jay STALKING
i remember how u like certain ppl on this site, clown
but when the appocalypse comes...we'll see nick with his pants down
virgin hoe, nick knows that his chances of winning are minimal
hes the type of faggot to play sports just so he can get a physical
im accustomed to winning, you already know
& ur series?..son i seen better sitcom writing on a reality show
nick a bonerfied faggot, while wireless is known to be a beast
and nicks known for being wiser..from giving head with his wisdom teeth
im dedicated to the game, the superior human beeing
so ill give NF an L to finally make this faggot worth seeing
im the best hoe, your shit stinks like fart
nicks a wellknown biologist...minus whole ologist part

being better than you @ life x9.
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