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Old 01-27-07, 02:00 PM   #17
Beginning Your Ending
Posts: 1,236

It depends on what kind of book you are writing to how easily you'll get published. A lot of you seem intent on being published in the fantasy genre, which is, at the moment, one of the most difficult genres to get published min because of the immense competition.

There are a lot of incredibly talented writers who go unnoticed for years even though they are published, then for some reason receive a huge boost of popularity and make money.

Some authors strike incredibly lucky by writing a book which is ok at best, spung at worst, but has a very original and challenging concept which makes them sell millions and millions and become rich. Dan Drown is probably the best example of this with his novel 'The Da Vinci Code.' The book started off brilliantly but once they left the museum it seemed to lose conviction and drive and the plot became ludicrous.

It's not all about skill, a lot of it is actually luck but if you are a great writer you have much more chance of being published than a shite writer with a good concept. But having an original concept is extremely important as no one wants to read a re writing of Lord of the Rings over and over again and most fantasy tales involve dastardly evil villains and utterly heroic golden hearted heros. In my opinion the fantasy works are those with balanced characters, who are comprised of shades of gray, and not of black or white.

I'm going to try and take several writing courses before I start writing my book, because I know my concept hasn't been done successfully many times before and if I write it as I know I can then I stand a strong chance of making it successful.
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