Thread: Life is good
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Old 01-29-07, 12:26 AM   #5
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

You are being ignorant right now, and I don't mean that in an offensive way.

Everything we know about things has no base. For example, we study chemistry, we study physics, we study biology, and all this other shit so we can learn more about the world. All of that stuff is all well and good, but we ignore the base of knowledge.

The sum total of what science has discovered about the true nature of the universe is that everything that isn't nothing is made of something, but we don't know what it is, and it's doing something, but we don't know what.

And they will NEVER figure out what it is or what it is doing. Think about it... Everything is made of atoms, what are atoms made of? Protons, neutrons, and electrons... What are they made of? Well they are energy, but what is energy and what are they REALLY made of? And even then, what is that made of... We just continue this useless cycle, all the while feeling like we are getting somewhere and that we are such smart beings. And in the end, what difference does that even make. If you're eating a delicious meal, it's delicious, it doesn't matter what it's made of.

But anyway, back to the meaning of life... There is no meaning of life.
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