Thread: The Single Man
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Old 03-09-03, 08:36 AM   #1
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The Single Man


the single man, lives lonely,
he got no woman, that he can give a boning,
he lies in his bed crying, instead of moaning,
his just an ordinary man,
going through life with out a plan,

taking the oppertunities as they come,
missing out, on the ladies that he could of, or should of won,
the mans got no confidence, he has too much shame,
he reckons all the ladies think his lame,
he starts thinkin crazy, like it could be his name,
or goes to the extreme that his not a player in this game,

he shouldnt be caring about the things he say,
if he didnt give a fuck, he wouldnt need game to play,
he starts turning whack n thinkin about turning gay,
but its his life, and i aint gona judge, cause thats his way,
of dealin with not gettin none, not like the rest,
all having their fun, with even more then one,
he doesnt want it all, he just wants some,

but he doesnt work hard, at gettin wat he wants,
he just sits there waiting, for them to come,
or still kinda waiting for that special someone,
but he has to realise that she might not be the one,
or she may never come, cause theres always another time,
but right now he should have have his fun,

she might come later, when everyone starts to slow down,
stop moving around, he might be the one that shes finally found,
but now his life lives on a different type of ground,
he thought about this girl his whole life,
he craved, he wished, he dreamed of, the whole time,
but maybe times change, n he wishd of a different wife,

he thought are girls really just a waste or time?
not only that, they can ruin your whole life,
he thought more about it, and the more obvious it became,
that girls come and go, but also come again,
theres plenty of girls that lie in the sea,
pick any that u chose, and they will come from the beneath,

the man then realised, that he will never be alone,
one day it will happen, start a family,
n turn a house into a home,
just has to be patient with the ones that dick him around,
and then finally the right one will be found,
so he shouldnt stress over or even lose sleep,
cause eventually the perfect women that he wants...
he will eventually meet...
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