Thread: Life is good
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Old 01-31-07, 07:14 AM   #11
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Big Picture
how bout, the multitudes of people in africa and around the world born with aids or some other disease or other things that can't be changed with a simple mental way of thinking.... just agree some people's lives are more bad than good.

And some people's lives are more good than bad... Of course that's the way it is. I never said some people's lives are more bad than good.

And it probably sounds cold, but people don't care about Africa and other third world countries. One problem with Americans and other people from good countries is they love to pretend they give a shit about things they trick themselves into believing they care about.

It is not impossible for African's to enjoy their existence. The difference is they don't need a plasma TV, a nice car, or a huge house to feel "happiness." I remember hearing a story about a kid who's favorite toy was just a rubber band, and he looked after it and cared for it, and loved it, and it gave him so much joy, then he died at age 5 or 6 or some shit. That kid had a damn good run if you ask me, nothing at all wrong with his life.

Yeah, a lot of them have diseases and a lot of them die very early, but they're alive aren't they? So what they don't have an education and a steady job, all of that shit probably fucked them over in the first place. What happens when an enormous amount of previously nomadic tribes group together in small areas? Of course resources run out, of course diseases spread quicker, of course people are having sex with more people and causing more overcrowding and increasing the demand for resources that ran out a long time ago.

None of that shit matters, it's just a way of life different to yours, but it's all they know, just like yours is all you know and mine is all I know. 1st world kids get sad because they have acne or they can't afford a new car... Are they happy? No, they're not happy. 3rd world kids get sad because they have AIDS or one of their 14 siblings died the other day, but thats just what it is in their world, it is way less of a deal than it would be to an American. They deal with it and move on.

The point im trying to make is that there is nothing "wrong" with the nature of life. There can't be... Maybe I used the wrong words in describing it.

I suppose instead of "Life is good" I could have said... "Life" or "Life is" but nobody would have any idea what I was on about.
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