Thread: The LBL Cypher
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Old 02-03-07, 05:09 PM   #114
New to RV
Posts: 37

Originally Posted by Nick Fletcher.
After spending endless time deciphering that fucking gibberish I have only a few things to say. The first being shut the fuck up until you know what you are talking about.

Do not even come at me with some fucking 13,000 posts bullshit, I have sonned that comment every time it has been said to me. And how the fuck does a post count have anything to do with battling, dumb fuck. And what the fuck are you talking about... how to spit?? Dude, text battling is not spitting you piece of shit idiot. Text battling is typing on your keyboard, get that through your thick head, moron.

Also, how the fuck are you going to bring my country into this. What a fucking garbage attempt at trying to say I know shit. I don't know what kind of single-minded secluded existence you have been living, but... The States is not the only country to have Hip Hop/Rap Artists. And don't even talk about "I'm from Queens, NY" like it means something. You ain't the fucking creators of hip hop... fucking Kingston, Jamaica was where Hip Hop came from in the 1960's dipshit.

And, you don't KNOW what you "spit" (lmao, its type dummy) is hot... you just THINK it is. So shut the fuck up and stop acting all high and mighty like you are some sort of God. I do not presume to think I am the best on the net, but I know damn well that I am better than you at text. Your verses would get fucking clowned on if you took them to the real sites like b-boys, bragginwrites or rapmusic.

And as for this....

Homie, imma PRO AT BEST. Youza rookie, imma OLDA VET/
Cross my path, I'll put ya "Face in ya lap" Like a YOGA STRECH/

^ That is fucking garbage. The multi-rhyming is forced to fuck, the wordplay is forced to fuck, the // at the end make it look fucking gay. In text that is fucking straight trash. Hell, even in audio it would be fucking bullshit. Saying you are better than the other guy and you'll put his face in his lap like some sort of homosexual statement.... WOW! That is original. I was listening to that boring ass shit when I was in pre-school motherfucker.

So fall back, dude you get smacked relentlessly
Your lines wouldn't fit in..
Even if you literally condensed them g

^ That is fucking garbage to. It is simplistic, has no punch to it and the concept of saying a dude has stretched lines is played to fuck. Still though, it would son the fuck out of that herb bar you showed me.

Basically, you are living in some little fantasy world where you think you are the shit and that your rhymes are dope. Come back to reality, realise they are fucking garbage and ELE-FUCKING-VATE!!

^^^^ AND HE STILL DOESNT GET IT !!!!!!! Im not gon get Ignorant and Closed-Minded like you son ....... Im WAY MORE den a text battler ..... imma MC, deres a BIG DIFFERENCE .... but as far as text, LIKE I SAID, I KNOW IM HOTT AS FUCK, YOU CAN SUCK MY DICK ...... I can accept da fact dat yall say my shit is garbage ...... I know how to persivear (Nah, iono how to spell it but you get da point so dont talk shit, lol) I know how to persivear and take CONSTRUCTIVE CRITISIM ......I understand dat just because I feel like im da truth doesnt mean EVERYONE thinks im da truth .... im far from a god, im one of da humblest mufuckas in da world, real talk ..... But when niggas start disrespect ..... das when it turns to a whole nutha story ...... das when I read what yall niggas textin and realise dat im way better den yall and think to myself .... "WHY DA HELL IS DESE DUMMIES POPPIN ALL DIS SHIT WHEN DEY GARBAGE AS FUCK !?!?!?!?" which is da same shit u think about us right ....... And shut da fuck up wit da History Lesson cause NEW YORK IS HIP-HOP !!! DERE'S NUTTIN U CAN SAY DAT WILL CHANGE DAT !!!!! Text battlin is not spittin ????? Take ya head out cha ass dummy, what da hell is typin a rap battle den ??? Is dat not Rap ?? When you look up an artists lyrics, is dat not what dey was SPITTIN ??? AND YES NIGGA, YA COUNTRY HAS ALOT TO DO WIT MY FUCKIN POINT ...... Aint no way in hell some nigga from da U.K. gon tell me how to SPIT ... oh im sorry .... HOW TO TEXT BATTLE ...... and text battlin ...... I WILL SON YOU !!!! I PUT DAT ON MY DAUGHTER, YOU CANT FUCK WIT ME ...... I hate it when niggas got dey head up dey ass talkin shit ....... I peep yall lyrics, i can switch my style and beat you at ya own game, so make da fuckin thread or close ya lips ..... I tried to be respectful ...... fuck it now .....
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