Thread: The LBL Cypher
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Old 02-03-07, 06:27 PM   #117
New to RV
Posts: 37

Originally Posted by Nick Fletcher.
You say that you know you are "hot as fuck" and then follow up with saying you can take constructive criticism... ironically, AFTER you told me to "suck your dick" because you didn't appreciate me calling you garbage. My friend, you need to take a look at what you are typing, because at the moment you just continuously contradict yourself.

And, don't even claim to be humble. More than one person on here has told you that you are not good at all, what have you done about it? Bitch and moan and tell them they are garbage and that you are so much better than them. LMFAO!!!

Oh and NO, you fucking retard. Text battling is not "SPITTING". When you pick up a fucking mic and drop your text lyrics onto a beat, that is "SPITTING". The fact that you think typing up a text verse is spitting just makes it clearly evident that you are a fucking idiot who does not know the first thing when it comes to text battling.

And LMAO @ you bringing my country into this you fucking idiot. The sheer audacity of you stating that New York is Hip Hop and everyone else, especially the United Kingdom knows dick just goes to show that I was right. You are single-minded, and your secluded existence has prevented you from experiencing worldwide rap. Stupid motherfucker, there are rappers in Sweden, Norway, Germany, Korea, Iceland, New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom... and so many more countries. Wake up idiot. Take a look around the world and realise that New York is NOT Hip Hop. New York is simply the place that STOLE Hip Hop from Kingston, Jamaica.

I tried to be respectful, you can't comprehend what I am telling you. You are fucking garbage, you can suck my dick. And put your daughter on anything, I'd fucking own her to.

Im not gon say nuttin bout ya last sentence cause you REALLY dont want to take it there ..... TRUST ME ... its not dat serious ..... and nah, i aint contradict myself ....... Me tellin you to suck my dick after you disrespected my flow isnt me not being able to take what u sayin into perspective ..... Das me BEING A MAN and defending somethin I been doin for 9 years ..... Where im from, if u get slapped, somebody posta get stomped out or worse ...... das my mentality on AND offline ...... And i'll repeat dis one more time .... NEW YORK IS HIP-HOP !!! DERE'S NUTTIN U CAN SAY DAT WILL CHANGE DAT !!!!! I got respect for any person das a REAL MC ion care where u from, but throw salt on my game, expect salt back ... point blank ..... all dis talkin is fuckin stupid, either battle me and prove your lyrics are better den mine or shut up .... (Text battlin IS SPITTIN dumbass, lol) Fletcher v.s. Talk, put up or shut up ........ 24 lines ....
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