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Old 02-03-07, 10:20 PM   #17
Past Tense
On The Air - COMIN JAN 07
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actually Historians do beleive Jesus walked this earth and he was crusified they just dont beleive that he ROSE AGAIN and he did!!!!!

I am not brainwashed either apexx

The search for worth is what I was looking for AND I was feeling pretty useless and God gave me a reason to live to know that I AM DEVINE

2 Kings 17:7-15 - speaks on how They worshipped worthless idols and became worthless themselves

Idol is somthing you put before God in your life

of course Apexx im sure since your SO smart you knew that yourself

Have you ever seen one of those commercials at night where theyre like "take this pill and you'll loose 20 lbs in a month" or however they go. and you get all excited and think "wow this is what I REALLY,REALLY NEED!!!!" so you order it and you expect it to be the best thing created and expect to be feeling great from the effects..but then as time goes by you realize..."wow this stuff isnt' working" then you get back to thinking "they lied to ME! and now im worse then I was before"

See Satan is a FALSE advitiser......He will try to take your life by anymeans!!! and he will try to take away your relationship you have with God

He will put things in your life that make you think that your being fufilled but in the end you STILL FEEL EMPTY and dont have that fufillment

Thats how it was for me a month or so ago..when I finally partied with all the "cool kids" and I said.."this is what everyone was doign? how is this cool this was LAME"

Relationship - A need to feel loved

LIE - If you are in a relationship you feel loved
TRUTH - Relationships outside of God's plan make you feel used

TRUTH - Relationships withouth the RELATIONSHIP will leave you lonely

God has to be a source in a relationship you know

Theres an other Idol

The Idol of Image and the feeling of being accepted

Lie - If you look good you feel GOOD
thats not always true for example
ex:Some days you FEEL AWFUL but you still know that your looking kinda cute

Truth - If you focus on outer image it'll make you feel insecure

"You can only wear on the outside what you can sustain in the inside"

theres an other IDOL


Lie - if you are sucessful you will feel fufilled
TRUTH - if you are driven by sucess in mans world eyes you WILL FEEL EMPTY
Ex:all the big head time actors/actresses,rappers,football stars feel
more suicidal,divorce more,there lives are all over papers saying "more tears"
And what they need and you need IS JESUS CHRIST


see Apexx I think the thing with you is....because I remember you talking about how you were once a christian and all that jazz you were speaking about how you even wanted to be a pastor..and u know what I think you just didn't want to go through with the process....I think that God showed you that you could lead thousands of youth to christ..but you came up with just wanted the end result without the work in the middle.....
you think what you are thinking is pure but it truley isnt

Proverbs 16:2 - All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes;but the Lord weighs the SPIRITS

see and the other thing i see is in your heart IS YOU KNOW GOD and you know of Jesus yOU KNOW Its all real but in the inside you just deny it...

Romans 1:21-22 says "FOR EVEN though they KNEW God, they did not honor HIM as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their SPECULATIONS, and their foolish heart was darnkened, Professing to be wise,THEY BECAME FOOLS

see Apexx.....this life with a Taste and See kind of relationship GOD wants you to have everything..and its hard for you to see because you have money cars and all that jazz...and well thats great im happy for you

but see the way you were taught was all about the LOVE of Christ...theres an other side of Christ.....YOU EVEN said GOD IS A JUDGE.....He will have to judge you one day..see its like this

Say a man sitting on a plane 20,000 feet in the air is handed a parachute....The tendent says "put it on" they're flight was perfectly fine though. Now as he has it on for a while he is starting to get laughed at and picked on....and he suddenly says "why did i put this on?" and he takes it off and says "its a long time before Ill put this on" and i honestly think this is the situation your at right now

But now look at it this way......If you KNEW what was going to happen when you die..and you knew the wrath that God would have towards those who sent you'd draw close to Christ.....

Think of it like this

Theres an other man on the plane...and hes given a parachute and the tendant says "hurry put it on your going to be jumping off in 5 mins" hes going to grasp that parachute with ALL he has and all his strenght...and he wouldn't care what anyone said around him....because he knows he has to keep that LOVE close to him so he doesn't have to havve the wrath of God upon him.......and no matter what happens to him he stays close

Because no way as a christian are things PERFECT, says in the bible that "You should be happy when your tempted or given a tribulation because you will persevere and GROW closer with Christ

Now take a look into your life right now Apexx and tell me what you see..Do you see LOVE? or do you see Lust? I really want to know? I beleive that Christ can bring you back..but you have to have faith Hebrews 11:6 says YOU CANT PLEASE GOD WITHOUT FAITH!!!

Dont question it Apexx

im going to be praying for you!!

You gotta taste the LORD and you'll see what I MEAN!! thats why he said "eat my flesh as your daily bread and drink my blood" YOU must Taste his pressense and get that feeling.....and you will see him!!! TRUST


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