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Old 02-05-07, 06:23 PM   #15
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Because people are weak. They want to see their loved ones, they want to escape the real world into a land of fairy tales and happiness where all they do is lay around and be lazy. They want someone to hold their hand while they cross the street because they can't look both ways. Heaven would bore me, because my personal heaven would generally be empty. Everyone would live in their pearly city and feed grapes to each other, and I'd sit down with Socrates and have a chat on morality.

I know what Im doing is RIGHT.....

DO you think that SIMPLE un-trained men would DIE for a LIE?

DO you think that UN-Trained men would be able to take on roman soldiers that today would be like UFC fighters?

think about it man......really do

You KNOW what you do is right? Step off the high horse. You are not divine. You're a bunch of flesh and bone that, according to your religion, was thrown out of paradise because your God doesn't want you to knowand women were created from the rib of anything. You were created from dirt, someone created from dirt. And that makes you feel better than being star dust and cells?

Also, I have no clue what the fuck you're talking about. Untrained men won't die for a lie? What are you even referencing? Are you just searching your mind for random gibberish? 'Untrained' (whatever that is supposed to apply to) die for a lie ALL THE TIME. According to your religion, all others are lies. People die for them and create sacrifices all the time.

You're so high on your own 'divine aroma' you won't even listen to reason. You cocoon yourself in a little shell of ignorance and when someone tries to reason with you, you block them out and say 'lalala jesus loves me'.
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