Thread: A Thug's Prayer
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Old 02-07-07, 09:57 PM   #1
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From: NYC
A Thug's Prayer



Dear god forgive us for we have sinned
forgive us for the trouble we have been in.
Pain flows through the back of our head
as we lay down to rest in bed.
A gangsters life is no where for us cause all we are is wannabe.
Being with the homies is alot of fun
but when left in another hood the only thing to do is run.
God gave us the strength to live the day
so dat 5 bullets wont leave us on the ground to lay.
God we know our parents love us with all there hearts
but when we go and do sin all it does is tear us apart
we fear for our life when we go at night
wherther or not we will survive the next gang fight.
A gangsters life is no where for us cause all we are is wannabe.
When we walk the streets we ack n' mack
but now a days we have to learn to watch our back.
As we leave the house we wave good-bye
then we see a tear run from our mothers eyes.
We want to stay home but we really dont try but when were out on the streets we wonder if will survive the next drive by,when we listen to tupac we remind our selfs of the homies we've lost.
As we close our prayer and let you in so you may forgive us your heavenly father for we have sinned.
A gangsters life is no where for us cause all we are is wannabe.


Sorry for the crappy writing, in a rush.
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