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Old 02-09-07, 09:52 PM   #22
La Cosa Nostra
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From: Gaza Strip

Originally Posted by Terumoto
Nos, by no means is christianity an invalid system... It is just a very misunderstood system.

God is nothing, christians made a big mistake when they interpreted "God" to be something instead of no-thing. That is probably the largest single problem in christianity. "Jesus" was the son who carried the teachings, that's why he's special... Through his teachings, many were to be liberated from hell. In other religions, the important prophets also were worshipped and had miraculous births. I believe much of the Jesus story is fabricated to make it seem more extraordinary, but the core is basically intact.

The holy spirit does not exist, that is one of the major biblical fallacies... I don't know if they thought 3 was a nice number or whatever, but the whole birth of the holy spirit thing with the fire and the speaking tongues is BS.

But yeah, about Jesus, his entire life is the main teaching. I don't know wtf people are on about with thinking otherwise, or hoping the actual "jesus" is going to come back. "He" has come back, is coming back right now, and will come back.

But back to the main misunderstanding... God... The term God does not describe anything with features, anything definable. I have no idea why christians think of god as a mystical being, the bible explains God quite well but I think people don't understand it or take it seriously. The term "God" indicates not something, but no-thing, a void in knowledge that somebody smart realized was impossible to fill and gave a name. God is beyond space and time, because space and time as we know them are illusions. God is everywhere and in all of us and everything, I don't know how people ignore that... "God" is every single thing the exists or doesn't exist. God is a piece of shit. I am 100% correct in saying that, but it doesn't describe what God is completely because you can't.

We don't see this because we don't experience reality properly. Lets take, for example, a table. We consider it a normal, average table. Something made of wood, put together for a purpose, its reference is table. But the reality is, the thing we are experiencing is not "table" it is umm.. It just is. You can't possibly understand that thing the table... It simply is. That is what could be considered God. That thing we can't understand about anything, but that is required for everything to exist. Me explaining in words has probably done nothing to help anyone's understanding.

To know God you have to know that which "is". If you think you know God, you are so far from knowing God you might as well kill yourself. You are probably thinking, "then howcome you are telling us what god is?" ... That is because I don't know God, but I do. I am at least not stupid enough to imagine up a figure to go with a term. The very essence of God is that we can't possibly know, the term God is more like the frame of a window, which encompasses a void, or a finger pointing at the moon. In thinking God is something, you mistake the window frame for the window, or the finger for the moon.

The bible says being with God is heaven... It also says God is everywhere. So when the fuck aren't we with God? The whole reason 99% of people are into christianity is to save their own asses and get to heaven. Yosef was not an idiot. You selfish, dellusional people have fallen into the safety net... You are wasting away in hell right now, full of false hope, suffering under the illusion that you are somehow seperate from God at this moment, which is utterly impossible. If there is one thing to admire about christian prophets, admire their wit. Yes, you do have to "die" to get to heaven. You also have to rise again. The only thing you have to do to get to heaven is believe in Jesus.. Probably a bad translation, more apt would be adopt the truth of Jesus. Then the illusion of not being with God dissapears, you'll be in heaven. But I bet most of you just think you believe in Jesus, you're still looking for something more. And fuck priests and pastors and all that, seeing them as guides will only lead you astray. I love them, but they lost the plot a long time ago.

I agree.. Your views on god are well thought out..

And most of your views on yeshua bin yosef are similar (in most ways) to mine. Which is why I doubt you'd ever call yourself a christian either...

I really just get annoyed when christians adopt the mindframe that they are a part of a 'one true religion'.. Its stupid and naieve and I'm sick of western culture being on puppet strings to misinformation and lies perpectuated by the church.

My aim isnt revenge as socrates would put it.. My aim is opening the gates to free-thinking.
RIP jono, peace out bboy.
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