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Old 02-10-07, 12:00 AM   #30
Sean Gunner
GG Haterz
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Originally Posted by Nostradamus
Aiight awesome.. You got my respect for this post for sure bro..

But I feel as though you at first admit humans have been clutching at straws as to who to name the jewish messiah for a long ass time and you dont nessecarily believe it to be true that weve actually found the one messiah in yeshua definatly beyond reasonable doubt.

But you go on to say that you ARE christian because you believe 'jesus' has died which stipulates that you know he has already walked the earth.

This is the type of leanience and contradictive reasoning I usually have a problem with.. I understand your concept of faith (although I dissagree with it), but I think when we apply rational to the validity of the christian religion, your religion suffers on a number of levels and 'faith' isnt always gonna be that magic word to hide behind when illogical belief's are questioned.

Possibly you dont care.. You do seem real blasé when it comes to giving a fuck about being staunch in your belief's.. All I'm trying to say is although christianity works for a large population of people who dont really understand properly the complex history behind this religion or certain questionable points especially relating to the naming of jesus christ which IS infact the main point of 'christ'ianity, if you think outside the box... Maybe a lot of people who call themselves christians, in reality......should leave their alliance to this warped belief system and begin to make up their own mind about life.

Obviously you dissagree?

I apologize for giving off the vibe that I didn't believe he didn't come. I was just trying to show both parts of the topic.

I believe he did come down, but what I was trying to say was populations simply wanted one so bad, any person with an IQ over 120 was probably considered the Messiah. People always want the easy way out with all of the benefits. So the fact someone coming to save them so they can do whatever they want is like gold x10. So they try to rush it so that they don't have to do it the hard way any longer. This is when the false assumptions began.

Though I am labeled a Christian, I do not follow many of the customs or rituals. I simply believe, and I try to live my life the way I believe is right. I help others, I take and receive gifts as they come, but most of all I try to live life to the fullest. The way I see it is if God does not exist, if everything I believed in is wrong, I still lived life to the fullest and when I die, I want to go out with no regrets.

I just have a hard time believing that death is the absolute end. That once you die, you just lie in the ground rotting. I think if nothing else, reincarnation occurs though we do not remember the previous person, we do live over and over. Whether this is true or not, I have no idea, but if what I believe is wrong, I hope this is not. Life can be so much fun and full of joy when lived correctly.

Back to the topic at hand, Christianity is full of contradictions, as is everything else man has put his hand in because we felt we could make it better. Here is my belief at its most basic form:

I believe there is one God
I believe he sent his Son that died to save me
I believe that my way of life will benefit the world
I believe that once I die I will go to Heaven
I believe I am one person whos belief cannot be labeled because I am an individual and you cannot label what one person believes
I believe in what I believe

Simple. You can laugh, I really don't care. I could laugh just as easily at believing that a random circle of matter appeared and exploded without any way of being created.

If you respect me, I will respect you. Do not attack my way of living because you think that it is inferior, and likewise I will not degrade your lifestyle. History has taught us over and over again this is never successfull and leads to the bloodiest wars ever fought on earth.

Religion is a sickness that has infected most of mankind.

Belief is a mentality that cannot be corrupted.

Originally Posted by Twisted Visions
50 nickle=less than 50 cent, go back to school you idiot
For Anyone Who Wants to Talk to Me

^^I think this explains my view on gangster rap perfectly.
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