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Old 02-23-07, 12:15 AM   #33
Middle Weight
Posts: 648

Originally Posted by Terumoto
I'll field that.

The PS3 has a total of 8 CPU cores (one is reserved for physics and other shit, so actually 7), and some of the most advanced graphical technology out. Programmers are seriously sitting there, going "k..... What the FUCK." They don't know how to program for it, it's new. It's hella new... Think about it, quad core technology JUST came out for PCs. And it's not even real quad core technology, the intel quad cores are just two dual cores stuck together, without architecture to take full advantage of the hardware. So of course the games look slightly better on the 360.

But the only games they can compare like that are multi platform games. And do you know why? Because multi platform games are designed to make money. They are after making a good game, not an amazing game. It is no wonder, therefore, that they design the games for the 360, simply because it is familiar technology, an improvement with the previous generation consoles as its base. It's just easier for them. Then, they port the games as quickly as they can to the ps3.

You get it now? Those ps3 multi platform games are ports, not originally designed for the ps3. Of course they look better on the console they were designed for. As we speak, the developers that have a keen eye for innovation are slaving away at figuring out how to efficiently program for the ps3, and the games WILL get better with time. Same as what happened with the PS2, look at the games from its launch compared to the games available now. Better graphics, better physics, better everything.

It's no wonder you hear all this talk about a new 360 being released. Microsoft aren't idiots, they know that once they hit the wall, potential-wise, the ps3 is going to keep getting better and better.

Yes, the Ps2 games got better with time. But the Ps2 sold over 100 million. The Ps3 isn't selling for shit. Big difference.

The Ps3 is difficult to program for. Developers have to take time to decipher it and what not. Plus I've heard it's expensive. So why exactly would developers go out their way to tap into the system's potential if there's no pay-off.

The Ps2 got better and better...the Ps3 will not.

And I don't want to come off as a 360 gamer. I don't own one, and don't plan on getting one at al.. I'm a big-time Nintendo fan.
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