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Old 02-23-07, 12:26 AM   #35
Middle Weight
Posts: 648

Originally Posted by LFS
It's only not selling cuz there isn't shit for it. Look at the Xbox. No one had one til Halo came out, then everyone got one. And the ones that didn't got it for Halo 2. Once PS3 gets it's game, they'll sell. Could even come this summer.

Dude...what do you mean no-one had one til' Halo came out??

Halo was a launch title. Wake up.

And I doubt Ps3 is going to sell when it gets it's game. It's already gotten more bad publicity than any other system ever made. Every magazine, newspaper, and website in America has called it a flop. And let's not try to ignore the fact that it's $600. Which IS expensive.
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