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Old 02-23-07, 02:33 AM   #36
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Man... What are you on about? I have read plenty of reviews for the PS3 in magazines and on websites, most of them are good, some are bad. All of the good reviews (good as in well written reviews) discuss both the virtues of the console and its flaws. Here are a few, the first few from a google search. m1115b

Originally Posted by %%%%
Yes, the Ps2 games got better with time. But the Ps2 sold over 100 million. The Ps3 isn't selling for shit. Big difference.

The Ps3 is difficult to program for. Developers have to take time to decipher it and what not. Plus I've heard it's expensive. So why exactly would developers go out their way to tap into the system's potential if there's no pay-off.

The Ps2 got better and better...the Ps3 will not.

And I don't want to come off as a 360 gamer. I don't own one, and don't plan on getting one at al.. I'm a big-time Nintendo fan.

Sales don't matter... Every console that has ever existed has had better games over time as developers learn to program more efficiently for the console. Even if Sony is behind, they aren't just going to drop everything, give up and declare the PS3 a dead console like sega did with the Dreamcast. Sales are steady, system-selling games are on the way. Prices are going to drop. The games will just get better, it's inevitable. So will the 360's and the Wii's.

And just so you know, I'm not a Sony guy. The 360 is great from a software and firmware standpoint, but is inferior to the PS3 hardware-wise. The PS3 is a technical marvel, but lacks microsofts user friendly software. We will have to wait at least a year before the two systems can be compared at least a little more fairly, so Sony has a chance to fix up major bugs, add functionality, and most important of all for the number of games to increase.

While I wait to decide whether to buy a PS3 or a 360 first, because I'll probably get both, I'll be playing my Wii. Which rules.
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