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Old 03-03-07, 07:06 PM   #17
∆ P E X X
Engineer / Club Promoter
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From: Everywhere!

Originally Posted by Crazy Hades
I really did think you were smarter than this. Good job on the straw man argument, and the assumption I think the sun revolves around me.

when i say "the sun revolves around you" i mean that metaphorically, not specifically. to put it plainly, as you've already exhibited, you think "if i don't understand it, then its not perfect" and "if i don't rule it, that means it rules me" and "kill or be killed", "if he's not saying that, then he must be saying this" and and a host of other such thoughts generally relating to "either or" or duality. that's typical of egotism, the lowest level of conciousness that all humans exhibit at the lowest stages of existance. the next level is the warrior stage where you're hungry to prove your self and out-do anything and everything to reassure your self that you're important to.. well.. anything really. this is a function of the ego. the stage after that is the statesman who seeks to teach others and has an abundance of the things it used to want in the lower stages but now has no desire or need for, and then a 4th stage after that which just wants peace. when faced between being right and being kind, it will choose to be kind, because it doesn't need the reassurance of "being right" or to prove that it's right.

but right now, you're jsut out to prove your self right. and not just to prove your self right, but to prove everybody else wrong. that's a function of ego. "the sun revolves around me" aka "i am important and i must show everybody".

The only thing you taught me is the ingredients to make a cake. It also appears that you just said karma makes up the universe. I think you got yourself a bit too caught up in what you're saying, or I'm misinterpreting it. I seriously can't understand what the hell you were talking about here. Basically, you just said the universe is made up of ingredients, and those ingredients are made up of ingredients, right? And the very basic ingredient is...karma, siddhi, or the oversoul. I may be interpreting this wrong, but you're saying

what makes up the universe
what makes up what makes the universe
so on and so on
karma, siddhi (success, right?), the oversoul, or god

I'm trying to figure out how the hell karma and siddhi are the same as a god.

And sure there are executional paradoxes. Either something violated Relativity and created the universe from scratch or the universe always existed, though nothing else has always existed. The only point where that could be is quantum mechanics, and in that it is merely a theory.

well you're right and wrong, yes. you did interpret what i said correctly, and no, you did not interpret it completely. you have it correct all the way up to the point you went but when you got to the edge, where you ran out of mass (the physical) your mind stopped. relativity was not violated, all things are connected as it was said and quantified. in your mind, this universe is just a product of this dimension and if it wasn't in this dimension then it didn't exist ("either or" ego logic). but superstring indicates that there are other dimensions paralell to us occupying the same space we do but vibrating on a different frequency so we can not see it though it affects us. the main thing that comes through these dimensions, is gravity. so in the beginning, even when this dimension were completely empty, another dimension were emitting energy, an energy that created everything we have here. remember, energy can never be destroyed only changes forms, so we have just as much energy now in this dimension called the universe as we've ever had, no more no less.

now to answer your question "how is that god?", i would call something that creates all things that transcends all space and is everywhere and no where, everything and nothing, god, wouldn't you? like i said, don't believe in the egotism god, as in "god must be something like me, if its not, then it doesn't exist!". that is the logic of egotism.

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