Thread: Sports Agents
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Old 03-09-07, 11:26 AM   #3
-Certified Dope-
Posts: 2,850

Oakville man, like 15 mins away from toronto.... Ive been playin since I was 3 man... its been my life... got me into a private highschool on full scholarship, got me into a university (my Jr team is paying for my tuition a little bit)... and now im looking to go somewhere better... I played for the Barrie Colts of the OHL for a couple games, but I didnt want to ruin my NCAA eligibility so I had to pay everytime I played.... of course I got that money back eventually, but just to be on the safe side I did that.

Man im kinda pumped thoug... i left my school a day early to go home cuz I wasnt feelin it there... and I come home to 4 letters of interest all asking me to go to their training and prospects camps, and then 2 phone calls stating the same thing.... and then I get the agency calling me... the agency is I believe... Sports Management WorldWide. couldn't get much better if you ask me.
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