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Old 03-13-07, 10:37 PM   #6
New to RV
Posts: 35

It aint forgotten that what you did was rotten,
You wasn’t trying to free slaves…
…you was trying to steal our profit from cotton,
damn...hrash but nice opener that stuck to your side...9/10
You was plotting from day one with that shit,
Abe wasn’t morally just…
…he was just on an ego trip, that racist bitch,
agn, good and brutal but not as effective int he middle of the verse...7/10
The Union was just as racist as the Confederation,
But the north used propaganda…
…like the lies from the Emancipation Proclamation,
kinda swayed sayed sides but made up for it w/second line...8/10
Just cause you the president you think you can us give orders,
We succeeded in succession…
…now we ‘ll teach the north a lesson if they cross the border,
If we had more than 3/5’s of an army to fight,
The south would’ve easily won…
…and history would be forced to rewrite,
But we did lose the battle but we definitely won the war, ok?
Not matter what lies you say…
…the confederation died, but slavery still exists in America today…
great closer...............10/10

ya'll pussy, an on one was ever with these fag's
now a days i dare you to walk throught harlem with the confederate flag
not a great opener............5.5/10
we are about equal shit, it pumps throught our veins
if ya'll so hard,
..put the pistols down an fight the slaves without chains
liked the flow alot..................7.5/10
we won this shit, an these pussy's got there team drop
so if the south's ever making a come's mostly in hip hop
its a free country, blacks can go in shops without stares
but ya'll do rule some parts of the south in area's no one really cares
swaying sides and digressing....5.5/10
ya'll lost, good ol Ab Lincoln was a legend an i'll qoute'em best
four score and seven years ago our fathers..and im sure you know the rest
eehhh no punch, flow or anything.......3.5/10
no one'll stand for this, no more getting beating an teeth chipped
so if they say history repeats itself...i'm sure this part would be skipped
?????=less than the opponent

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