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Old 03-14-07, 03:23 AM   #1
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.
Argument for God's existence from design..


There are a lot of people who strongly believe in the validity of the argument from design. Do any Christians here believe in God for this reason?

In case you don't know what it is, it is basically that humans are complex so they must have been designed by something/someone.

The more eloquent version goes like this:

Imagine you are walking along a beach, or a grassland, or a forest (whatever, it doesn't really matter). After walking along for a while you find a pocket watch lying there half embedded in the ground. You pick it up, and upon further inspection, you realize that it is quite complex and intricate and you start to wonder how this complex thing got to where it was. You come up with two hypotheses:

A) Over a huge span of time, erosion from wind and rain and whatever else just so happened to shape things into the form of a pocket watch.
B) The pocket watch was made by a watch maker, and then was dropped here.

So the logic of the argument goes like this:

1) A pocket watch is complex.
2) Pocket watches are designed by an entity.
3) Humans are like pocket watches, in that they are also complex.
L) Humans must have also been designed by an entity.
C) The entity that designed humans must be God.

What do you all think of this argument?
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