Thread: terumoto
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Old 03-18-07, 05:07 PM   #10
I have a lot to learn...
Terumoto's Avatar
Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Logic/Socrates
^lol, word. I just want him to write a big ass post every day about a different topic, because they are ALL worth reading.

Anyways, Terumoto, I don't exactly know the best way to phrase this question but something tells me you might understand what I'm trying to ask.

Are other peoples opinions important to you/should they be to anyone? I mean this by, yes, we are all our own people and whatever makes us happy is all we seem to need to BE happy, but if others offer their opinion about what they think would be a good idea/a good change, should we take heed of what they offer because they are part of the same "sea"?

I ask because I've been struggling a lot lately with what I think is right and what others think is right, because I know that in the end my beliefs aren't even a drop in that sea you speak of, and the more I take in from others, the closer I get to a more universal truth. Yet, being the endless and infinite sea it is, it seems pointless because although it may seem that one part of infinity is less than 10 parts of infinity, they are both so infinitely insignificant as compared to the whole that it makes no difference in the end.

Help a brotha out.

Knowledge is good, but don't get caught up. You should listen to what others have to say and learn as much as you can, either from their wisdom or their mistakes. Just remember that you will never ever know enough to find the truth, that's why you shouldn't get caught up. At the same time, you can never know too little to experience the truth.

If I were you, I would give up hope. You won't ever learn enough to see the truth. Once you do this, instead of learning more and more and more but never reaching your goal, you can just learn. You're no longer expecting to find something that can't be found in that way.

But yeah, about learning from others. Your views should be steadfast, not easily swayed as soon as someone questions them or opposes them, but also flexible and open to correction or improvement.

I'm sure you want to know how to find the truth if it can't be found with knowledge... I have to go now, I'll tell you later lol.
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