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Old 03-24-07, 07:27 PM   #6
I have a lot to learn...
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Posts: 9,740
From: Life.

Originally Posted by Indeph
So, this begs the following questions:

1. If homosexuality is demonic, why do animals engage in it regularly?
Animals eat other animals and kill at will, they also eat their children when hungry

2. Then, if the demons cause homosexuality to make a person "sin", again, why do animals engage in it? Can monkies sin?
Monkeys shit in their hands and throw it at you,

3. If homosexuality is so unnatural, then why is it rampant in MANY animal species?
Common doesn't mean correct

4. If homosexuality is immoral, then why does it occur in humans JUST AS IT DOES in many animals species? Can animals, such as fruit flies, be immoral? (P.S., scientists have identified homosexual behavior in fruit flies, drosophila melanogaster)
Humans are also animals

5. If homosexuality isn't at least partly genetic, then how were scientists able to manipulate genes in fruit flies to "turn" some males gay?
The whole nature vs nurture argument is retarded, because physical traits are just as influenced by surroundings as anything hormonal. I wasn't born being attracted to girls in school girl uniforms, or any other sexual prefrences I might have, combined with my personality and just overall outlook on myself and others I'm attracted to it. This is just my opinion though, theres likely to be more to it. =/

Animals kill other animals to survive, and eat their young in some cases for the same reason. Human's slaughter and kill animals to eat for pleasure, not survival. Which is worse? And I guarantee you humans are capable of eating their own species. In the right circumstances, they wouldn't think twice about it.

Humans put metal pellets into a machine and shoot them at you at high speeds at you to make you die.

What Q is saying is homosexuality IS natural by definition, it is commonly found in the natural world. Is it correct? No. Is it incorrect? No. People are disgusted and afraid of it because it is different. And that is the ONLY reason. They don't give a shit whether it is right or wrong, natural or unnatural, somebody elses beliefs differ from theres in an extreme way that they don't understand, therefore those people are unnatural, demonic, sinners etc.

Why do you think there isn't such a drastic division between say, those that have sex before marriage and those that don't? It states blatantly in the bible, that doing that is demonic, sinful, and implies that if you do it you should chop off your cock. So why isn't everybody going around saying "blah blah blah, you're a heathen, you unnatural disgusting sinner, how dare you live your life in such a way!" It's because they're selfish fucks. The only reason they didn't / don't have marriage before sex is because they are following a rule they don't understand for a reason that is hammered into their brain.

They would LOVE to have sex before marriage, they probably think about doing it all the time. Often the reason they get married is to have sex. That kind of sinner is the same as them, they understand the sinner, so while they think the sinner lower than themselves to make their ego feel good, they don't get all butt hurt about it and make a big deal.

In reality, only those free of sin should be able to draw attention to the sins of others. The translated bible is worded a bit badly, the info is in there but it is difficult for it to get across. Not only are you not supposed to think about having sex before marriage, for example. You are supposed to get rid of your desire to have sex before marriage. And some sins were made up by people that shouldn't have been making things up.
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