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Old 03-25-07, 02:56 PM   #15
Tha .Q
I'm Talented.Period.
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From: MD

Originally Posted by Mindstate
yea but animals dont have the same intellegence as us, they dont know what the purpose of sex is they just do it because it feels good. they dont know sex exists to reproduce and create babies. us humans know better. yes we do have sex when we dont plan on reproducing but it's not right to abuse the privledge of having sex. fucking people of the same sex crosses the line when it comes to just making each other feel good. so YES it IS immoral because animals dont have the ability to make decisions they live off of instinct, animals are irrelevent because they have no morals or souls thats why animals niether go to heaven or hell. and dont turn to religion to try and save your point please...all im saying is those with the ability to think beyond instinct have the right to enforce the human morals of society

Thank you. Then, if animals have NO MORALS, then how can something THEY DO (homosexuality) be considered immoral?

O's only immoral when we (humans) do it? How is it any different? Why, because we have rational thought? Then, if homosexuality requires rational thought, how are animals, which you just stated have NO RATIONAL THOUGHT, able to engage in it?

WHOMP...there it is!
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