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Old 03-25-07, 08:54 PM   #28
Crazy Hades
Just searching.
Posts: 6,015

Me: You are insecure.

All of you: WTF No im not, you're wrong! *insult*

To hide it, you should have acted like you don't care what I say, instead of getting defensive.

You said we're insecure for a particular reason and then said you would refuse to listen to any of our reasoning. Once more, stop acting like some conceited little shit who thinks just because we dislike a particular thing we are jealous of it. Hiding behind your little Zen bullshit is annoying. Especially when you say things like 'you should hide how you feel instead of saying it' and you think you have a right to tell us when we say something we have another motive behind it. When I see a shitty movie I don't go 'i'm going to trash this movie because I wish I had made it'. I trash it because I don't like it.

Now sit back and smile in that annoying, unconscious ass way of yours when you think you've figured out some deep meaning of life and stoicism we haven't figured out yet, only to make yourself out to be a fool.
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