Thread: Question
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Old 03-27-07, 03:21 PM   #17
Posts: 6,178

who the fuck you calling a cock you little piece of shit?

save your childish bullshit insults for another thread this is a grown folk issue...

ok lemme give an example

you know someone who has a gun and plans on going into th nearest mall and murdering as many people as possible. you know logically that by time the police got there he would have murdered quite a few innocent people.

now lets say for the sakeof the argument, that you also have a gun and you're quicker off the draw than he is...

would you shoot him to prevent the deaths of many people?

fyi empathy works both ways...if you let him kill all those people you aren't showing the innocent victims empathy because you would have chosen to let them die even though if you had been in their shoes you would have wanted someone to kill the shooter before he killed you....

and as for telling someone who can do something about it...if the authorities ended up killing the person in question then you would be morally responsible for his death....

the question was not about crime and punsihment it was about morals
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