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Old 04-02-07, 11:48 AM   #1
Zone Out
Power Hungry
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Posts: 5,430
From: Westside Detroit
Yall gotta help me


earlier today i was havin a discussion with my mama and uncle about God and all that
and I was tryin to ask them really really hard questions that be leavin christians stumped, but i couldnt think of any right on spot.

i did ask a few though
my uncle had said that God knows everything including the future
so i said why did he let Adam eat the forbidden fruit then?
and he respondedbecause man have free will.
so I said but if Adam didnt eat the fruit then there wouldnt have been sin in the world
If God had the chance to stop sin, and sin is evil, why didnt he do it?
and all he said was.. "because God gives man free will"
so i was like, if he's God and he wants people to be good then why would he even want to give man the OPTION to be evil. If he wants everyone to go to heaven then he instead of banishing satan to hell he should've just destroyed him. Then my mama said, God doesnt destroy
and I was like "whaaaat? As much as you read the Bible I cant believe you said God doesnt destroy because he has destroyed entire cities with thousands of people so why couldnt he just destroy the root of all evil?"
and it was a pause. lmao
then my uncle started to speak some mumbo jumbo again, i stopped listening and continued to play Zelda: Twilight Princess. (which is a dope game by the way)

Rap Extraordinaire

Originally Posted by strobe
If you do kegel excercises, you would be able to do something similar without having to hold your tip shut with your hand. After you've been doing them, hold off ejaculating as long as you can to really let the pressure build and then aim for your girlfriend's eye and let 'er rip.. You might get lucky and shoot her eye out. That's probably exaggerating it a bit, but it will still be hilarious
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