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Old 04-05-07, 03:52 PM   #5
New to RV
Posts: 34

I'll tear you to little bits, this is a battle diss - What don't you get?
I'll glue your fuckin hands to this thread - Maybe now you can get a grip
From the sounds of it, you a bitch. Please belive I'ma witness
It's obvious to me - that your farrrrrrr from god. 'n i aint even religious'
My fuckin god am I trippin'. I'm talkin on acid leaves, and ish.
But your last battle you ripped it! , Nevermind - I'm just seein' shit.
Is this a Konflick? I belive it is. So let's try to resolve it
Let's get rid of all the whacks. I meen.. Pack you bags 'n get lost - Riz
O, I forgot to mention. Before acceptin' - watch who you dissin
You can make fun of me all you want. First, get people to listen

Good luck bro.
Konflick be like -