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Old 04-10-07, 03:52 AM   #6
Trill OG
Posts: 442

take your drops west dude serious Damn your fucking wrong
cuz how you a college drop-out...
.................when you could'nt afford to go to one
i bring in the stacks, i gho to the store lay hands on G.o.o.d records 1st
cuz your 2nd album sucked ass, and none has the intention of buying a third
congratulate west for finally graduating at 30, owns his own label but dude?
it must really suck ass to know that the people you sign are better than you
damn them diamonds from sierra leone, i guess theres no killing your style then?
yet i still have hope that you go broke... cuz that mascots suit is where your meant
kinda stretched and bland
you bit stunts off kneival dude serious your wack, the video sucked too
cuz i thought you were gonna fall but you could'nt even manage that foo'
wtf? lol nah man


Ima college dropout and still smart enuff to pick a name thats more fiyah
but he named himseld 50 cent cuz thats how much he pays his ghostwriter
you got shot all those times but you ride in the night with no steel
this dude walks around with 'less clips' then Len Bias Celtic highlight reel
your a sellout dawg! your not hood anymore in Conneticut ALL far away
last time this muthafucka seen New York...was meeting that bitch with Flava Flav
lolz damn
the massacre was garbage as fuck! maybe you turned pussy to soon
and you know his next cd will have more 'love joints' then Courtneys hotel room
fuck buck, banks , hot rod, yayo, but your ugly ass runs that gross crew
you dont bang hot chicks dude
cuz the next Fox you will fuck... is Mazardi after he flops and money is due
bleh, ok

V- R.Glocks
GBA Champion

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