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Old 04-12-07, 06:35 AM   #4
Posts: 106

Sticks and Stone.

Continuously bullied day in day out,
tears flow but yet have no meaning
Sticks and stones may break my bones
but words and ish can't hurt me.
My fears tessellate and bones stiffen
They brush past me in the morning
and my hair stands on end
Sticks and stones may break my bones
but words and ish can't hurt me.

Words start to cause pain and i feel,
I feel, i feel i want to hurt myself
and now,
Word and ish could cause my death
but Sticks and stones can't hurt me.
I ponder death for a moment,
Sit alone and wilt away in the loo's
Cry and moan,
at what i've let them turn me into,
Words and ish could cause my death
but Sticks and stones can't hurt me.

I have witnessed no violence
and i've blanked out the words.
Sticks and stones can't break my bones
and words and ish can't hurt me.

Blugeoned, Bloody and left to die,
The sticks and stones have hurt me.

Nobody comes,
Nobody can hear me.
I'm alone,
And i have finally,
Finally realised.

So who ever said Sticks and Stones don't hurt?
when i lie hear in a watery red pool of filth.
The words and ish sound ever so bliss
and i miss them o so dearly;
Cause now i can't feel the words and only the hate
and its at an impecable rate.
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